prom? well something went wrong maddy perez

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God! Yes!" The girl cheered, jumping into the boy's arms excitedly.

Y/n glanced down at the box in his own hand, then at his girlfriend, who rolled her eyes at the gesture, then back to the doughnuts. Releasing his bottom lip from between her teeth and dropping the box into the garbage can as he pushed on, putting on a brave face as he greeted his girlfriend with a wide smile and a gentle kiss "Did you see that?" Maddy asked as she cuddled into her boyfriend .

"Yeah, I did."

"That's seriously so tacky," Maddy scoffed, then smiled lovingly at Y/n, "I can't wait to see what you have planned for me. When are you going to ask?"

Y/n smiled with her lips pressed tightly together, "That's for me to know, isn't it?"

Maddy kissed him gently, "Come on, baby, let's go to class."


Y/n had spent the entirety of Monday and Tuesday trying to figure out a new way to ask Maddy to prom. Obviously, anything over-done or too tacky was out of the question. he'd thought over different puns he could use, but nothing seemed right. Maddy was someone who liked nicer things, and in this instance, Y/n wanted to do something for his girlfriend that was deserving of her. The proposal would need to be big and dramatic, just like Maddy's personality, and after some serious thought, he began planning what he thought to be a perfect idea.

The only issue was keeping it a secret from Maddy. With such a grand scheme, Y/n had sought help from Kat, Lexi, and to a lesser extent, BB, who was allowed to know that something was happening, but wasn't trusted with the details to ensure that she wouldn't accidentally let it all slip to Maddy, which she most certainly would.

Maddy noticed the secretive whispers between her boyfriend and the others that morning, and how erratically their responses were as she snuck up and tucked herself into Y/n's side. She especially noticed the way that Y/n and Lexi continuously shared small smiles when they thought Maddy wasn't watching, and Maddy felt a familiar feeling brewing in the bottom of her stomach.

She remembered back when Maddy had first mentioned her initial interest in Y/n to Cassie, a few weeks before their friendship breakup, and how annoyed she had become to learn that Lexi had also mentioned the fact that she had a crush on the boy. Maddy was nothing if not confident, but there was a part of her that was consistently analyzing Lexi Howard to figure out exactly what sort of things would make Y/n be interested in her, and there were quite a few.

Maddy was aware that she hadn't exactly been Y/n's type before they began dating. She was loud and proud and didn't like to hold her opinion back in any situation, qualities that Y/n had only grown to love after they started seeing one another. Y/n's past relationships have been with those who were the exact opposite, and in all transparency, Lexi was certainly more his type on paper. It took quite a bit of work for Maddy to get you to agree to go out with him, and she'd be damned if she would let all of that go down the drain for Lexi.

"Hey, babe?"

Y/n only hummed in response, not glancing up from his phone as Maddy sauntered towards his Y/n laid on her belly on Maddy's bed, thumbs tapping out a long response to Lexi as her girlfriend fought for his  attention.

Maddy placed her hands on her hips as she posed, scowling in annoyance as her boyfriend didn't glance up at her, despite the fact that she had slipped into the skimpiest matching set that she owned. She cleared her throat, raising her brows as Y/n finally looked up at her.

Y/n smirked, "Oh, hello there."

"Hi," Maddy fluttered her eyelashes, climbing onto the bed and forcefully flipping Y/n onto her back, tossing her phone onto the floor as she moved to straddle his lap .

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