The Sharkoldile Chase

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[Lori and Bobby are still outside trying to keep themselves warm in the dark.]
Lori: "I don't know how much longer I'm gonna take this cold. I'm so hungry, so weak."
[A pair of bright lights shine in their eyes. A vehicle arrives next to them, revealing to be Vanzilla.]
Lori: [Gasps] "Vanzilla!" [Rita and Nicole jumps out of the van to greet Lori and Bobby.] "Mom! Aunt Nicole!"
[They stand up and hold hands.]
Rita: "Thank goodness you two are okay." [They share a group hug.]
Lori: "Guys, you literally have no idea what I've been through."
Nicole: "Come get in the van and warm up."
[Lori, Rita, and Nicole are about to set off until Bobby interrupts them.]
Bobby: "Um, Mrs. L and Mrs W, can I ask you, like, a really big favor?"
Rita: "Okay."
Bobby: [Picks up a box from his broken down moped.] "I still need to make my abuela's Christmas tamale delivery for her hairdresser, or she'll kill me."
Lori: [Shocked] "You had food in that thing all along?"
Bobby: "Uh..."
Nicole: "What do you need?"
Bobby: "A gas station?"
[The sharkodile starts moving across the woods. The four kids are inside pedaling.]
Lincoln: "Katherine and her news team are at the Royal Woods Mall. We've got to get to them."
Clyde: "Let's do it."
[Hiding behind the bushes is a bushy-looking monster figure. The disguise is revealed to be Rip Hardcore, gazing at the vehicle fiercely.]
Rip Hardcore: "Oh, you're mine, sharkodile. You're mine!" [He takes off the rest of his disguise and unravels a car, which looks like a golf caddy. He takes a drone out of the vehicle's door. It floats up in the air.]
[At the Mall, Katherine's phone rings once again.]
Katherine: "Hello. This is Katherine Mulligan."
[Cut to Rip, deep in the woods.]
Rip Hardcore: "Katherine! I found the sharkodile. Whoo-hoo! I sent you the link to my drone. I need you to start streaming the footage. I'm hot on the beast's tail."
Katherine: [Quickly] "Be careful, Rip! Get the feed up!" [Hangs up; to her crew] "It's go time!"
[Rip dons his helmet, turns his car on and zooms off. Meanwhile, Lincoln, Hercules, Zoe, and Clyde are still pedaling.]
Zoe: "We'll save time if we cut through the neighborhood."
Clyde: "Okay. Turn here."
[We see an aerial view of the sharkodile, with the drone recording the footage from up high. The beast turns to the left as soon as it clears the trees, but Rip is right behind them and approaching quickly.]
Rip Hardcore: [Laughs] "I've got you cornered! Oh, you can run, but you can't hide." [Lincoln and Clyde are still pedaling.] "Got you now!" [Laughs again. Meanwhile, the kids see Rip behind them and become excited, not knowing what he is about to do to them.]
Clyde: "Oh, it's Rip Hardcore!"
Lincoln: "Awesome!"
Rip Hardcore: "Here I come, baby!"
[The sharkodile's tail is visibly swishing in front of him. Suddenly the four kids have negative thoughts on their mind.]
Hercules: "Wait a second. Is Rip hunting us?"
[The four kids scream while they pedal. Cut To Katherine Mulligan on the TV screen, with the caption Sharkodile chase. The worried Loud sisters are watching.]
Katherine: "This is Katherine Mulligan reporting live from outside the Royal Woods Mall with real-time drone footage of the sharkodile."
Lisa: [Whispers] "What?"
[Nana Gayle and Pop-Pop are also watching the same headline.]
Katherine: "It has left the woods and is headed towards town. He's in a residential neighborhood, oh!" [The viewers tremble in fear. Cut to the woods.]
Zoe: "Go right."
[Lincoln steers the sharkodile onto the road.]
Katherine: "I've never seen anything like this. He's turned north."
[Lisa rushes out and leaves the living room. Meanwhile Lincoln, Hercules, Zoe, and Clyde are pedaling with all their might, and becoming exhausted as the beast heads towards the town center. With Rip still on their tail the duo look behind, not knowing where they're going.]
Clyde: "Ah! Look out!"
[The sharkodile enters the Loud House's front yard, knocking over some of its decorations.]
Zoe: "I think that's our house!"
Lola: "I think that's our house."
[With nowhere to go, the kids continue to pedal and scream as they close in on the house. The Loud sisters panic and look out the nearest window.]
Loud Sisters: [In unison] "That is our house!"
[Caught by the Sharkodile's tail, the house's fairy lights begin unravelling, and go out. Eventually, the Santa ornament gives way and is seen flying along the window in front of the sisters, causing them to scream.]
Lincoln: "Mom and Aunt Nicole are gonna kill us."
[Rip continues his pursuit of the sharkodile past the Loud House, knocking over more of the front yard decor.]
Lucy: "Best Christmas ever."
Lisa: "In the name of science!" [The rest of the Loud sisters turn their view to Lisa, who is standing on the second step holding a water gun.]
Leni: "Lisa? What are you doing?!"
Lisa: "I filled this with my sharkodile tranquilizing spray. I'm going to capture the sharkodile to study it for science!"
Luna: [Annoyed] "Lisa--"
[--they suddenly turn to the TV screen for another bulletin from Katherine.]
Katherine: "I have just received the word that the sharkodile is headed directly towards the Royal Woods Mall."
Leni: [Bawling] "Not the mall!"
Katherine: "And it's dragging a very unhappy Santa behind it."
Lisa: "It's go time!"
Leni: "Lisa, wait!"
[Lisa ignores orders from her sisters and heads outside to chase the sharkodile.]
Sisters: "Lisa!"
Lisa: "Sharkodile!"
[The sisters were about to head out and chase Lisa, but they stop and listen to Leni instead.]
Leni: "I'm like, so not okay with any of this!"
Luna: "We have to go after Lisa."
Lynn: "Huddle up!" [They all put their hands in the middle of the circle.] "Three, two, one!"
Sisters: [Together] "Save Lisa!"
Lucy: "Save Lisa."
Luna: "Let's go. We have to go to the Royal Woods Mall."
[The twins are about to put their clothes on with the rest of the sisters getting ready to leave, but Luan has a thought and stops them.]
Luan: "Wait, wait, wait. Where's Dad and Uncle Atlas?"
[The dads are revealed to be fast asleep on the table and snoring. They both suddenly have a spasm.]
Lynn Sr. and Atlas: "Miami!"
[The sisters rush into the kitchen and discover that it's in a big foody mess, with milk pouring from one of the fridge shelves and Lynn Sr. sleeping on the table.]
Lily: "Ew."
Luna: [Before the rest of the sisters hurry to him in panic] "Dad! Uncle Atlas!"
[They help sit the dads up.]
Luna: "The sharkodile ripped down all of our Christmas decorations."
Luan: "And Lisa ran after it."
Leni: "And it's headed to the Royal Woods Mall."
[As the sisters drag them away from the kitchen, Lynn Sr. suddenly sees the state of it.]
Lynn Sr.: "Who did this to my kitchen? There's pancakes on the ceiling." [One pancake falls off the ceiling.]
[Cut to outside the Loud House at night. All the girls scream and run out the door.]
Loud Sisters: "Lisa!" "We're coming, Lisa!"
Lynn Sr.: [Bawling] "I don't understand what's happening!"
Atlas: [Guiding Lynn Sr] "All right, Lynn, but why are you crying?"
Lynn Sr.: "I..." [Hobbles] "I don't know."
Atlas: "Okay."
Lynn Sr.: "I don't know why I'm crying."
[Cut to a bird's eye view of the sharkodile, with the fairy lights still attached to its tail as it continues to move.]
Hercules: "This adventure has gotten way out of hand."
Lincoln: "WAY out of hand!"
[They pedal faster. Meanwhile, Rip is still driving after them and notices the sharkodile's footage on his phone.]
Rip Hardcore: [Over phone] "Katherine, it's coming right at you. Get to high ground for safety."
[Katherine hyperventilates and looks around. She quickly passes the microphone to one of her crew members.]
Katherine: "I'm going up on the roof." [She marches off. The crew members follow her, but she gives them a stop sign.] "No! You two stay down here. You'll get better footage." [She climbs up the ladder to the top of the van. Wih her members recording Katherine up there, she announces on the loudspeaker.] "Listen up, people." [On Pop-Pop's TV screen is the caption Sharkodile headed to Mall!.] "This is Katherine Mulligan. I'm advising a calm and orderly evacuation of the mall. The sharkodile is coming. I repeat, the sharkodile is comiiiing!"
[People are evacuating the mall in an un-orderly manner while screaming. Scoots wheels next to Pop-Pop.]
Gayle: "Oh, I can't believe this."
Scoots: "Believe it."

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