Sharkoldile Exposed

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[In the kitchen, the parents are helping to cook the meal. The kids watches on from the doorway.]
Rita: "I was just really looking forward to our trip to Miami. We work so hard all year."
Lynn Sr.: "I know, hon. I know. A break sure would have been nice."
Rita: "Mm-hmm."
Atlas: "Some other time, maybe, huh?"
Nicole: "I sure hope so."
Lynn Sr.: "Maybe when we all retire."
[They chuckle. Cut to the kids; we suddenly see Lucy appearing behind their backs as he turns round.]
Lucy: "Hello, guys."
Hercules: [Startled] "Ah, you scared us!" [Drops his arms.]
Lucy: "You're welcome. Everyone is so sad."
Lisa: [Calling as she runs down the stairs to the living room holding an item.] "Everybody, please! Downstairs family meeting!"
Atlas: "I thought we were the only ones allowed to do that."
[Everybody walks into the living room and listens to Lisa.]
Louds: "Hm?" "Lisa?" "What is it, Lisa?" "What's wrong?" "What is it, now?" "Lisa." "Come on, Lisa." "Lisa, what's wrong?"
Lisa: "On the contrary, Mother. Everything is very right because of this." [Holds her item - which looks like a hairspray - up high, leaving the Louds rather confused.]
Leni: "Everything is right because of hairspray?"
Lisa: "No, Leni. What I hold here is the potential for us to still go to Miami."
Louds: "What?" "Miami?!"
Lisa: "It's a carefully calibrated mixture of immobilizing agents! Street name-- Sharkodile tranquilizing spray."
Loud: "Ooh!"
Mr. Coconuts: "That sounds very fancy."
Hercules: [Worried] "Sharkodile tranquilizing spray? That sounds incredibly dangerous. Am I right?"
[Everybody else clamours and tries to grab the item off Lisa.]
Louds: "Here, let me see it." "No, I want to see it!" "No, I have it!" "Come on!" "Guys, stop!" "I want the hairspray!" "Give it back!" "How does it work, exactly?" "Miami, here we come." [Lynn Sr. and Atlas soon has possession of it, with the spray's spout facing them.]
Lincoln: "Guys, does that even work?"
[Lincoln tries to grab it, but he accidentally pushes the button and sprays Lynn Sr and Atlas on the face with the Sharkodile tranquilizing spray.]
Lynn Sr and Atlas: [Becomes dizzy] "Whoa."
Rita: "Oh!"
[Coughing and screaming is heard in the background.]
Louds: "Dad?" "What's going on?"
Lincoln: [Shocked] "Guys, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
[The other Loud sisters also have shocked looks on their faces.]
Louds: "Uh-oh." "Dad, Dad?"
Lynn Sr.: [Starts stammering] "Yeah, yeah. I think we are buddy." [Everyone sighs with relief. Rita has her hand on her chest; to Lisa] "It doesn't work."
Atlas: "Sorry, Lis. Looks like your invention didn't work. Such a bummer."
Lynn Sr.: "I really wanted to go to Bababi."
Louds: "Huh?" "Is he all right?"
Atlas: "Bababi." [Clears throat] "That was meird." [Chuckles]
Nicole: "Guys, are you okay?"
Lynn Sr.: "Ber, We're bine. Bine. Buh. We're buh-ine." [Laughs] "Babine."
[Cut to his view, where his vision is blurred and not stopping in one place.]
Lynn: "Okay, Dad?"
Lynn Sr.: "There's something wrong with my bips. there's something-- what's wrong with my bips?" [Cut to his blurred view of Lana, Lola, Luan & Mr. Coconuts] "'cause I don't think I can beh-beh my bips. I can't..." [His left eye is forced shut. Lana and Lola are even more worried.] "Baht's wrong with my body?" [Touches his closed eye] "My bibe. What's wrong with my bibe, bib." [Cut to his blurred view of his wife.] "What's wrong with my bibe, bib?" [Speaks gibberish. Suddenly, his hands drop and become numb. Gasps are heard] "My baps! I can't feel my baps. I can't feel my baps."
Loud sister: "Dad, that's not normal."
Atlas : "They're like bib old bippers. I can't feel my baps or my baba or my bips." [Suddenly shakes about uncontrollably. His head almost hits Rita, causing the Loud sisters to scream in horror.] "I can't, I can't--ooh, that feels bood." [Laughs; they stand close to Rita and Nicole, acting drunk.] "Boo, hey, baby." [Laughs and starts touching their shoulders with his fingers, and then slowly touches their noses.] "Boop." [Laughs and walks into another room.]
Rita: "Lisa, help them."
Lisa: "I can't. It just has to wear off."
Nicole: "Well, how long is that?"
[The dads fall over, moving some of the furniture. Everyone else screams.]
Lynn Sr.: "be'er all might!"
[A scared Rita turns her attention to Lisa.]
Lisa: "It's in beta test."
Mr. Coconuts: "That was a good pratfall."
[The phone rings, while Luna and Leni rush over to check on their father.]
Lynn Sr.: "I can't beb up."
Rita: [Dials and answers the phone] "Lori."
[Cut to Lori, still shivering outside in the freezing cold with some snow on her face.]
Lori: "Hi, Guys."
Nicole: "Where are you? And why do you look so cold."
Lori: "Don't freak out, but Bobby and I are stranded on the side of Route 23."
Rita: [Confused] "What?"
Lori: "I was coming home to surprise you all, but Bobby's moped ran out of gas."
Bobby: [Cuts in, also with snow on his face.] "Hi, Mrs. L and Mrs. W! Feliz Nochebuena!" [Rita opens her hand and nods] "My bad about the gas."
Lori: "Will you please come pick us up?" [The young couple continue shivering, which soon turns to becoming worried.] "Is there something wrong with Dad and Uncle Atlas?"
Lynn Sr. and Atlas : [Cutting in by Rita's side and waves] "Bi, Bobby!"
Bobby: "Hey, Mr. L and Mr. W!"
Rita: [Trying to fend the dads off with her other hand while contacting] "They will be fine."
Lynn Sr.: "I'll be bine."
Nicole: "Stay where you are. We are on our way."
[She hangs up. Cut to Bobby and Lori.]
Bobby: "I love your mom and your aunt."
[Back in the Loud House. While the chaos involving Lynn Sr. and Atlas continues, Rita and Nicole makes an announcement to the rest of their children.]
Rita: "We are going to pick up Lori and Bobby."
Nicole: "Please watch your fathers."
[The rest of the children are literally watching their fathers.]
Lynn Sr.: [Waves while still drunk] "Bye!"
Atlas: "Let's mape some binner!"
Loud Children: [Bringing their arms out] "Nooo!"
Lynn Sr.: "Ah, our kitchen!" [Laughs and plays with a toy cooker, chucking some stuff behind him.] "Kitchen!"
Loud children: "No." "Oh, no." "Whoa, whoa, Dad." "Pots and pans don't belong on the floor."
[Lincoln brings out his phone and dials Clyde.]
Lincoln: "Clyde?"
Clyde: "Uh, Guys, you better turn on the local news right now!"
[After hearing that, Lincoln hangs up his phone. He and the rest of the younger Louds move over to the television screen. Zoe switches on the TV with the remote. Katherine Mulligan is on-screen once again presenting a live broadcast.]
Katherine: "What you are about to witness" [Cut to Luna, Leni, Lynn Sr, and Atlas . The two girls rush over to the TV while Dad continues playing with his toys.] "is footage just taken hours ago." [The footage plays - with the caption SHOCKING FOOTAGE, followed by SHARKODILE IN ROYAL WOODS. The sharkodile cuts across the screen.]
Louds: "The hybrid animal is here?" "Oh, no." "Is that the sharkodile?" "He's here." "That's a her."
Lynn: "It's here now?"
Lucy: "Sharkodile in the Woods."
Hercules: "I told you it was a bad idea."
[Cut to a flashback Two Hours Earlier of Lincoln, Hercules, Zoe, and Clyde pedalling inside the Sharkodile.]
Hercules: "You sure it's okay to hide this thing in the woods until later?"
Lincoln: "What could possibly happen?"
Hercules: "Okay."
[The sharkodile continues moving off the side of the road and into the woods. The footage is revealed to be captured by Scoots and her phone, leaving the kids with a frozen looks of shock. Cut back to Katherine.]
Katherine: "I'm here with the woman identifying herself as Scoots." [Camera pans to her.] "Ms. Scoots--"
Leni: [Excitedly] "--I sold her a sweater today!"
Katherine: "Can you tell us please what happened?"
Scoots: "Sure, I was out on a pudding run when I saw this sucker going through the park, probably looking for someone to chomp on." [Some of the Loud sisters yelp in fright.]
Katherine: "Rip, do you have any expert advice for our viewers?"
Rip Hardcore: "My main points of advice..." [the dads speaks gibberish and struggles, but manages to stand up.] "One, do not leave any form of meat hanging outside. Two, do not wear perfume that smells like meat."
[Leni sniffs her armpit.]
Lynn Sr.: "Meak?"
Rip Hardcore: "Be aware."
Katherine: "Sound, solid advice, Rip."
Rip Hardcore: "Thank you, Katherine."
[Lily joins in with the rest of the Louds.]
Katherine: "Well, you heard it here first, people. The sharkodile has come to town, our town. An emergency curfew has been put into place for everyone's safety. Sadly, this means this Christmas tree lighting at the Royal Woods Mall has been cancelled."
[The Louds are stunned into silence.]
Lily: [To the kids] "No light tree."
[Cut to the kids, feeling more and more guilty with his sisters getting their voices heard.]
Loud Sisters: "Oh, it's so not fair." "No, worst Christmas ever." "I can't believe this is happening."
Katherine: "In the meantime, if you should see the sharkodile, please call our tip hotline at 555-0HNO." [Cut to Lincoln, then Luna, then Leni, shocked to the point of feeling upset.] "That's 555-0-H-N-O. This is Katherine Mulligan reporting that Christmas is officially ruined. Stay safe, Royal Woods." [The viewers in the background groan and walk off. Luan bursts into tears.]
Luan: "Mr. Coconuts."
Lisa: "Worst Christmas ever."
Lola: "I can't believe I'm missing my pageant over this."
[Lincoln is trying to hold back his tears.]
Lynn: "This is such a bummer, you guys."

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