Operation: Save Christmas

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[Cut to the kids in Lincoln's room.]
Lincoln: "Guys. We have to save Christmas."
Hercules: "Didn't we do that already?"
Lincoln: "I have to call Katherine Mulligan's tip line and tell her the truth that the sharkodile is not real."
Hercules: "Lincoln if you do that, everyone, and I mean everyone, will hate you on Christmas."
Zoe: "Hercules, this is our fault. Lily needs to light that tree tonight."
[Cut to Katherine, who is on the phone.]
Katherine: "Oh, hold on. Hello?" [Cut to Lincoln] "Have you seen the angry beast?"
Lincoln: "Hi, yes, um, I have seen the sharkodile..."
Katherine: [Snapping] "Ooh, get it. Get it out. Tell me."
Lincoln: "-- Because it's me. The sharkodile isn't real."
Katherine: [Sighs in disgrace] "Ugh, listen, kid, this is a serious situation. We don't have time to play games when people's lives are at stake."
[She hangs up, while Lincoln tries to continue listening; to the apparatus workers] "It was just some kid playing a prank. Load her up!"
[Lincoln hangs up, with a worried look and knowing it's all his fault.]
Hercules: "So?"
Lincoln: "She didn't believe me."
Zoe: "So now what?"
Lincoln: "We go to plan B."

[Meanwhile, in the woods where the sharkodile is, Lincoln, Hercules, and Zoe rustles the tree branches out the way and finds the Sharkodile's location.]
Lincoln: "Okay, Sharkodile. It's you and us."
Clyde: [From behind the screen] "And me."
[The kids overhear and turns around.]
Lincoln: "Clyde? What are you doing here?"
Clyde: "I had a hunch you guys would call and Katherine wouldn't believe you. I mean, you're guys are just kids."
Hercules: "We're gonna have to ride the sharkodile down to the Royal Woods Mall to show Katherine Mulligan that it's not real."
Clyde: "You're not gonna do it alone."
Lincoln: [Smiles] "Really?"
Clyde: "What else would I be doing on Christmas Eve?"
Zoe: "You could tell Santa your Christmas list."
Clyde: "No way. Friends are way more important than some silly gifts."
Lincoln: "You're my best friend, Reindeer Clyde."
Clyde: "And you're mine, Christmas Humbug."
[They step closer to each other.]
Lincoln: "Let's go right some wrongs!"
Clyde: "Yeah!"
[They all give each other high fives.]

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