Family Meeting

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Everyone is in the living room in a meeting

Rita: This may not be the Christmas we planned with Lori, Luna, and Luan gone, but we're just gonna have it to make the best of it

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Rita: This may not be the Christmas we planned with Lori, Luna, and Luan gone, but we're just gonna have it to make the best of it.

Lynn Sr: We'll just have to work around it.

Lincoln: And how are we supposed to do that?

Nicole: Wouldn't it be fun to take a little vacation?

Hercules: A vacation?

Zoe: On Christmas?!

Rita: Yeah! It would be fun!

Lynn Sr: I don't know it seems last minute.

Atlas: Lynn's right. Besides, where would we go?

Nicole: Somewhere exotic.

Lynn Sr and Atlas: Go on.

Rita: Like.....

Rita and Nicole: .....Miami!

Everyone cheered at that idea except for Lincoln, Hercules and Zoe.

Everyone cheered at that idea except for Lincoln, Hercules and Zoe

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Lincoln, Hercules and Zoe: NO!!!!!

Lynn Sr: This could be the type of vacation we've always wanted!

Atlas: I've never been to Miami, but it wouldn't hurt to go.

Hercules: Dad! No!

Leni: Bikinis!

Lola: Way better than a pageant!

Lynn: We can see the Dolphins game!

Lana: I can dig for seashells!

Lucy: I dig for dead people.

Everyone looked at Lucy like she was weird.

Everyone looked at Lucy like she was weird

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Lily: Miami!

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Lily: Miami!

Zoe: Am I the only who thinks that this is a bad idea?!

Lincoln: You're not alone.

Rita: Come on guys! What's so bad about it?

Hercules: A few reasons. Reason one: How are we gonna get there? Because last minute plane tickets would be a fortune.

Lynn Sr: Not a problem! We'll just drive in Vanzilla!

Zoe: Okay. But what about presents? How would get our presents?

Nicole: We open presents early in the morning and then go to Miami later.

Lincoln stands up.

Lincoln: I have something that my change your minds.

Lincoln goes and gets his Christmas gift and opens but it's just a package filled with wood.

Lincoln: What happened?

Hercules: I think you're supposed to put it together.

Leni: Ok. I give up what is that?

Luan: Is that a wood fire or something?

Lincoln: No! It was supposed to be a giant sled for all of us! So we can all go down Tall Timber Hill together!

Everyone looked at each other.

Luna: Miami will be fun little bro.

Leni: Totes yeah!

Atlas: Besides kids, there's no snow there anyway.

Rita: I guess it's settled, we're going to Miami!

Everyone one cheered and Lincoln, Hercules and Zoe were shocked.

Later, Lincoln, Hercules and Zoe were in Lincoln's room.

Zoe: Christmas in Miami?! This is the worst Christmas ever!

Hercules: And on top of that, Lori, Luna, and Luan are not going to be here on Christmas.

Lincoln: Well, my family maybe selfish, but I'm not going down without a fight.

Hercules: You have a plan?

Lincoln: Yeah but first, we're gonna need some help.

Lincoln gets his phone and calls Clyde.

Clyde answers.

Clyde: Hey, Lincoln! How's Christmas going?

Lincoln: Not good, Clyde! Christmas is ruined thanks to my selfish family!

Clyde: What's wrong?

Lincoln: Lori's not coming home from college, Luna is going skiing with Sam, Luan has a double gig at Sunset Canyon, and Mom, Dad, Aunt Nicole, and Uncle Atlas are taking the rest of us to Miami!

Clyde: What?! You can't go to Miami! Where am I going to spend Christmas?!

Hercules: Thank you! Finally someone gets our point!

Lincoln: We have to save Christmas, Clyde! And we've got to do it fast because we have twenty four hours.

Clyde: I got your back, Christmas Humbug! I'm on my way!

Lincoln hangs up.

Lincoln: Clyde's on his way.

Zoe: So now what?

Lincoln: We need to come up with a plan.

A Loud House Christmas (OC's included)Where stories live. Discover now