Making The Sharkodile Video

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[Meanwhile, Lori and Bobby are traveling on their motorbike in the freezing cold.]
Bobby: "Only sixty miles to go."
Lori: "You're my hero, Boo-Boo Bear. I've got to get home and watch Lily light that tree tonight."
Bobby: "Well, we're going turbo mode, Babe." [Revs up the engine.]
Lori: "Ooh, it's getting a little cold."
Bobby: "Hug me tighter, Babe. That'll keep you warm."
Lori: "I love you, Boo-Boo Bear."
Bobby: "Well, I love you more."
Lori: "Nuh-uh."
Bobby: "Uh-huh."

[Lincoln, Hercules, Zoe, and Clyde are looking at something in the distance.]
Hercules: "We're gonna need a bigger bike."
[As dramatic music plays, it is revealed that the Sharkodile is massive.]
Clyde: "It's more megalodon than Jaws, but that only adds to the terror."
[A phone beeps.]
Lincoln: "It's already 3:05 p.m., and this video has to be ready for the 5:00 p.m. local news."
Clyde: "One we're done shooting, I'll spruce it up with some special effects on my computer, then send it to Katherine's personal email."
Zoe: [Astonished] "How'd you get Katherine Mulligan's personal email?"
Clyde: "She auditioned for my dads' reimagining of Wonder Woman: the Musical. She should keep her day job. Let's just leave it at that."
Lincoln: "Hm."
Clyde: [Brings out his phone] "Could you please ask our star to come out of her trailer?" [Records]
Lincoln: [Attractively] "Oh, Tanya?" [The camera cuts to Tanya watching the four kids. Then, white chalk is being laid on the sand... by Clyde and Hercules. The four are setting up a scene at the water's edge, with Lincoln planting a dummy ostrich and a MIAMI BEACH signpost on the ground. The rest of the scene reveals Tanya laid on a deckchair holding a cocktail, with Clyde putting an extra umbrella on it. Lincoln gets the phone camera ready.] "Clyde."
Clyde: "One second." [Straightens Tanya's hair.]
Hercules: "Clyde, we're ready. Come on." [Comes in and forces Clyde out.] "Let's do this." [Checks the camera, then stands back.] "Perfect. Clyde, let's get ready to croc."
Clyde: "Yeah."
[Clyde opens the sharkodile's door. They both hop inside onto their bikes.]
Lincoln: "Ready?"
Clyde, Hercules, and Zoe: "Ready!"
[The Sharkodile sets off]
Lincoln: "Let's make some news."
Clyde: "I hope this thing is waterproof."

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