Namjoon tilted his head, "How did you know, Hoseok hyung knows me?"

Gulf shrugged, "Well, he knew your name when he was at the school for the lecture. So I thought he might know you personally. And honestly, he was the last resort that I could use to save you."

Namjoon was really confused, "And why would you want to save me?"

"It is a bit selfish." Gulf chuckled nervously. "You already know why. But I won't talk about it right now. You must be in shock. So I'll talk to you later. Bye!" He waved his hand in the air and ran to the luxurious car parked nearby.

Namjoon quietly followed Hoseok to his car. He sat in the car with Hoseok and closed his eyes feeling relieved that it was over, "Thank you so much! I was really scared back then."

Hoseok nodded, "Whenever something like this happens, call me. Okay?" Namjoon nodded. As soon as the car started moving, Hoseok turned completely to Namjoon, scaring him, "Wha- what are you doing?"

"Look," Hoseok licked his lips nervously, "I am going to tell you something. You can not laugh at me. Got it?" He pouted a little, "Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung have already laughed enough at me."

Namjoon was really confused. But he was curious too, so he nodded. He carefully listened to everything Hoseeok said and then looked at him like Hoseok had committed a huge crime, "You can't watch horror movies?"

Hoseok shook his head, "No."

"Like, can't stand them at all?" Hoseok shook his head again. Namjoon sighed, "It is going to be hard for you. This is going to be a deal-breaker for both of them. Especially Jungkookie."

Hoseok's mouth opened a little in shock, "What do you mean deal breaker? How can this be a deal-breaker? I am sure they won't judge me for something this insignificant."

"Oh, no. It is not insignificant." Namjoon smiled sympathetically, "Jungkook loves horror movies. We have a special horror movie night for him every month."

"Every month?" Hoseok's eyes went wide, "Where do you get so many horror movies from?"

Namjoon shrugged, "World is a huge place, Hoseok hyung."

Hoseok sat properly on his seat and started grumbling, "How am I supposed to learn to watch horror movies? Horror movies every month? I can't even-" He stopped when he heard a snicker from Namjoon. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon covered his mouth and started laughing, "I am- I am so sorry."

"Aish!" Hoske smacked Namjoon on his arm, "You brat! I am going to kill you."

Namjoon laughed some more before calming down, "I was messing with you. Of course, you can tell them honestly. They'll understand. If you want this to work, you will have to be honest with them about everything." He looked away and sighed, "Will you drop me home?"

"No." Hoseok sat with one leg crossed over the other, "Seokjin wants to see you. We are going to the company."

Namjoon's eyes went wide, "Company? Whoa... I'll see the company for the first time."

As they reached the company, people opened the car doors for them. A group of people came around Hoseok giving him updates about some or the other case. Namjoon heard everything attentively. Some of the things went above his head, but understood everything else and felt proud of himself. Hoseok nodded and finally spoke, "Please, put the file in my office. I will get back to you as soon as I can."

Everyone dispersed, giving the duo the space in the elevator. Namjoon cleared his throat, "You looked really cool down there."

Hoseok chuckled, "You haven't seen Seokjin come in. You'll be more impressed when you see that."

Namjoon didn't say anything, but he really wanted to see the atmosphere in which Seokjin worked. The elevator stopped on the top floor and when they stepped out, there was only one door on the entire floor. The door was a wooden door that went from floor to ceiling. Hoseok knocked thrice and entered the office without waiting for the answer. Namjoon entered the office and looked around. It was just a minimally decorated room. The room was painted greyish blue and Seokjin sat in the far centre of the room. There was a huge floor to ceiling window behind him. A huge shelf on the left was filled with files and some other books. On the right, there were a few plants and a set of couches in 'L' shape with a single couch at the centre. Seokjin's desk was filled with way too many papers and a monitor at the right and a laptop just in front of Seokjin.

As soon as Seokjin saw Namjoon enter the office, he got up from the desk and went to him, "What happened to you?" He took Namjoon's chin between his forefinger and thumb and scanned it. Usually, Seokjin's eyes were always devoid of any emotions. His face was a mystery about what he was thinking. But looking at him right now, anyone could tell that he was genuinely concerned about Namjoon. Seokjin looked at Yoongi, "First aid box."

Yoongi nodded and elbowed Hoseok. Hoseok understood his signal and left the room with Yoongi. Seokjin grabbed Namjoon's arm and made him sit on the couch. He sat beside him, leaving little to no space between them. In a minute, Yoongi came in, put the first aid box on the table and left them alone. Seokjin immediately took out a Qtip and started cleaning Namjoon's wound with alcohol. Seokjin would blow light air whenever Namjoon would wince.

As the face was cleaned, Seokjin took Namjoon's hand and started working on the knuckles, "Who did this to you?"

Namjoon sighed, "There is this sunbae who loves to bully his juniors. But I know Miso fed him up with some nonsense and that led him to be interested in me."

"Miso?" Seokjin looked at Namjoon, "The girl who got your scholarship cancelled?"

Namjoon nodded.

Seokjin returned to cleaning the knuckles, "You really beat them up bad, huh? I guess you don't just have a gym body, you know how to use it."

Namjoon nodded, "I was someone's sparring partner for a year."

Seokjin looked up, surprised. "How many jobs have you had?"

Namjoon shrugged, "Enough to keep me floating. I worked at the gym, then at a bar. And this really shady pub downtown. I left the job in a week after knowing that they encouraged spiking the drinks."

Seokjin chuckled. As he was done dressing up the wounds, he looked at Namjoon, "You should have called me. If you had, this wouldn't have happened."

Namjoon tilted his head, "And when they ask me, why is The Kim Seokjin helping me himself, what would I answer? Hoseok hyung coming to save me already caused trouble. I don't know how he managed to take me as his intern. And when you come to save me, what would I tell them? Who am I to you, hyung?"

"You are my-" Seokjin stopped. Namjoon was right. Who was Namjoon to him? Why was he so worried about the fact that Namjoon was injured?

Namjoon smiled sadly, "Exactly."

Seokjin left Namjoon's hand and sat straight, running his hand through his hair, "Get out."

"Huh?"Namjoon was utterly shocked.

"Just get out."

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