Chapter 2

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Inservice day?
I couldn't believe out of all the things I could have said, thats what popped out of my mouth.
But why not, he doesn't go to school here in Orlando, so he would have no idea, when school is in session or not, It was a full proof plan.
I actually thought it would be fun having my big brother around.
Definitely the house wouldn't feel so huge and lonely and be so quiet.
I watched Jason carry his suitcases to his room. He turned on the stairs, smiling at me. "Alright kiddo. Since there is no school, what do you want to do?"

We decided to go to the park and go to a restaurant to eat.
We spent all day having fun, laughing, playing and teasing each other.
I loved having my brother home.

That evening while I was watching my favorite tv show, the big bang theory, I love the character of Penny. Jason left the room to talk to James.
The screen all of a sudden, just when it was getting good went blank, I heard someone clear their voice.
What was the meaning of turning my tv show off. I turned to glare at the person who dared to switch it off.

I looked straight into my brothers eyes, gone, was the smile he usually wore. It was replaced by a frown, and his eyes had a hard look in them. I had never seen my brother look like that.
I had no idea, why he was looking at me like that.
It's not like I did anything wrong, and even if I did. He couldn't do anything about it.
I wracked my brain to figure out what I could have possibly done to make my brother look at me like that. Only thing I could think of was getting suspended from school, I smirked, almost laughed. That was a joke!
Jason crossed his arms, staring me down. It was like he was trying to read my thoughts.

"Did you get suspended from school?" oh shit, he is a mind reader, but how did he find out? The principal don't have his contact information. No note was mailed to the house, at least not that I knew of, not even my mother, who doesn't give a damn anyway, knows.

"Heather," he interrupted my thoughts.

"I...I...," I didn't know how to answer that. Why do people have to ask, questions that could possibly incriminate you. If you answer them.

Jason sat down across from me on the couch, crossing his arms in front of his chest and fixed me with a hard stare. I looked down at the carpet. To avoid his stare.

"I want an answer now, did you, or did you not get suspended from school? James had to pick up and bring you home?"

I  looked up shocked, oh so James is the snitch. Well since you already knew the answer to your own question, you certainly don't need me to answer it I thought to myself continuing to look down at the floor.

Jason seemed to be running out of patience, cause he slapped the coffee table with his palm. The sound scared me and made me jump.

"Since you won't answer me, you can go to your room and stay there until you are ready to answer me."

I looked up startled. Go to my room? Seriously. Who does he think he is?
He has no authority over me.

"GO!" he yelled pointing to the stairs.

I needed no more persuasion, I jumped up and ran upstairs.

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