Chapter 12

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We watched as the police were talking to Pamela's parents. Both of our hearts were pounding like a drum. Kylie had grabbed my hand and was holding it really tight. We could barely make out what was being said. From where we were, we could clearly make out Pamela's father, and he was not happy at all for being disturbed. Pamela's father was a judge at the municipal court, and was always getting up early. I looked at my phone and was shocked. It was eleven at night. Oh man was I really in trouble I was not only missing, but I had also missed my curfew. We watched as some police officers shined their flash lights into the back yard over the fence. Now how in the world would they know to look for us at Pamela's house?

We both dared not to say a word, but to only use our friendship sign language. We knew each other so well that it was a piece of cake to understand what the other one was meaning to say out loud. Kylie pointed at Pamela's house, then motioned to the police cars, then did a shrug of her shoulders, that only meant that she was trying to figure out just like I was, as to why and how the police officers knew to come to Pamela's house. I shrugged my shoulders. Then an idea hit me. Just as soon as I heard a distinct word from one of the officers that was talking to Pamela's father, "Location" I immediately turned to my phone and sure enough in the top right corner of my screen was the icon for the location. I immediately turned off my cell phone. I took Kylie's phone from her and did the same thing.

"He..y!" I immediately put my hand over her mouth, then put my finger to my lips to signal her to be quiet. I listened very closely trying to pick up anything that was being said. One of the officers who was closer to the fence said loudly enough I guess for all the others one to hear him.

"Signal lost, no location to be reported." I watched as the other officers abandoned the search, one officer shook Pamela's fathers hand. As soon as the last police car had left, and Pamela and her parents and brother went back into the house, I was able to breathe normally. We still had to hunker down in the treehouse, because the commotion of the police officers had gotten Pamela's nosey neighbor interested, and from what we could tell, they were sitting at the window, with binoculars.

I took my hand away from Kylie's mouth realizing that I had still had her mouth covered. I still signaled for her to be really quiet. I wasn't quite sure that the coast was clear, or if they left an officer around.

Kylie looked annoyed at me, and she grabbed her phone to turn it back on. I snatched her phone from her hand.

"Give me back my phone!" she whispered shouted at me.

I looked at her in shock. She seriously had no idea how the police picked up on us being at Pamela's house so quick.

"Our phones are why they came to Pamela's house!" I whispered back.

When Kylie looked at me with more confusion, I explained to her how our cellphones can locate us.

"Well then just turn off the location." She said pointing out.

"It would be great if that is how it worked, but as long as our cellphones are on, they will alert the police to our location. We can't have our phones on at all, if we don't want to get caught." I said laying back down on the blanket.

Kylie, sighed and laid back down. We laid there listening to the sound of the insects. We both had no idea that things were going to get so out of hand.

"What do we do now? Do you think they will give up and stop searching for us?" Kylie asked breaking the silence.

I wished I could reassure her, that thigs were going to be alright, but I couldn't. I really didn't know how far they were going to go. But in my gut, I knew this was far from over. I seriously just wanted to go home. I would face whatever punishment I had coming and endure the grounding. I knew realistically we couldn't stay hidden forever. I didn't know how far Kylie wanted this to go. We were lucky that it there was a two week break from school, otherwise we would have truancy added to the growing pile of offenses. We laid there for what seemed an eternity.

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