34 | Wednesday, July 7th

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Everything is loud and dark.

It feels like forever that it's been loud and dark.

Like it always has been.

But pain rips at my leg and my eyes fly open, letting in light.

I blink then push to my elbows and look down, seeing Bucky tying scraps of fabric around my thigh. There's blood covering his hands. Covering my leg. Covering the ground.

"Hey," I hear from beside me. "Thank God you're awake."


"That doesn't look good," I mumble.

She puts her arm behind my back and helps me sit up, propping her knee behind me for support.

"Thanks," I mumble, turning to look around confused. Everything tilts slightly, but I breathe slowly until it stops. The team has gotten out of their restraints and are now checking over each other and the agents. Wanda holds Visions head against her chest, the collar now discarded on the ground. "How long was I out for?"

It simultaneously feels like forever and no time.

"Only a few minutes," Bucky says gently as I turn, and meet his gaze. He sends me a small smile as he finishes with my leg, eyes filled with relief.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming?"

"Yes," he nods. "That's their Helicarrier. They should have a jet down here any minute."

"Are all the helicopters down? And that jet?"

Nat nods. "Yah, they all came down."

"What about the support crew? That was supposed to be sent out?"

"No word on them..."

"Oh... Is everyone okay?"

"We're alive," Nat shrugs. "We'll be okay."

I nod.

"Hey!" I hear Sam bite out, pulling everyone's attention. He's standing between Atticus and Ripley, face hard.

"I don't want your help! This is your fault!" Atticus barks, finger pointing at Ripley over Sam's shoulder.

She doesn't respond, she just watches Atticus, face blank.

"You need to cool off," Sam orders.

"You need to mind your business," Atticus replies.

"Atticus, you're digging yourself a bigger hole. Just stop," Ripley says calmly.

"Shut up," he snarls. "Shut your fucking traitor mouth."

"Alright, over there," Sam shouts, stepping toward Atticus to urge him away.

"No, I'm not done," he says, pushing Sam out of the way and moving right for Ripley.

Sam grabs Atticus by the arm, "I said enough."

Atticus spins, throwing Sam off before setting his sights back on Ripley. He's on her in moments, hand around her throat as he backs her into the valley wall. "How could you work with them?!" he screams, pulling his fist back to punch her.

In a blink, Ripley is out of his grip, spinning around him and pinning him face first into the rock. She knocks him to his knees and twists his arms behind his back. "Stop fighting Atticus," she pleads. "I did what I had to. Please."

He struggles against her, but Sam gets to them before he can bat her off, helping hold him down. Steve comes next, taking Ripley's place and nodding to let her know she can walk away. She watches Atticus a moment, who screams and struggles against the two men, before turning hesitantly and walking back to Austen and Lizzie. They wrap their arms around her, and she melts into their embrace.

Letting Go | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now