4 | Saturday, May 29th

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I smooth down my black dress once more before I take Bucky's hand and we step down the stairs. Music is already playing loudly from the common area, and I can't help the feeling of excitement that courses through me.

Mixed with a little anxiety.

When we get to the bottom, Bucky's hand tightens around mine.

There's a lot of people.

It's okay.

'If you start to get overwhelmed, ground yourself in what's around you.'

Tony stands at the other end of the room wearing a ridiculous party hat that he somehow makes look designer, with an arm slung around Pepper's waist and a flute of champagne in hand. It looks like he's telling a story, with his hand waving enough that I'm surprised his drink isn't on the floor. The group around him laughs and claps, while Pepper rolls her eyes, so I can only imagine the heroic tale he's telling.

"Want a drink?"

"Yes please," I smile, and we make our way to the space where the conference table usually is. Tonight, it's a long sleek bar, with metallic shelves holding countless bottles of liquor.

"I will have a... whiskey sour, please," Bucky orders.

"Can I get a vodka soda with lime, please?"

The bartender nods and spins, working at a lightning pace.

I turn and scan the crowd, recognizing a few familiar faces; May and Happy chatting with Bruce near the kitchen, Peter, showing his friend Ned around, a woman I've seen associated with Fury—Hill, I think—sitting on a couch and talking with a few others. I also recognize a handful from the Holiday Gala, and I'm thankful to see they weren't the ones hounding me with insensitive questions. The team is scattered through the crowd, chatting and laughing with the many unfamiliar faces.

Our drinks are placed on the bar and we each turn and grab our glasses. "Let's go say hello to the birthday boy," I suggest, pulling Bucky by the hand across the room. We weave past everyone, waving and pausing to say 'hi' to a few people, and in passing, I see Alpine lapping up attention near the tv.

"Glad you two could make it," Tony says sarcastically, raising his drink to us as we reach him.

"Couldn't miss it," Bucky mumbles, a small smile on his face.

"I love the hat," I tease, eyes flicking up to the colorful monstrosity on top of his dark hair.

"Yah, well the kid got it for me, I couldn't not wear it," he explains, nodding to where Peter and Ned are filling their plates with sushi, bringing an honest smile to my face.

"So, I haven't gotten to talk to you two since you got back," Pepper says, "how was the trip?"

"Amazing," I nod. "I feel so much better."

"Where did you go?" a woman asks from beside Tony.

"Bahamas," I say at the same time that Bucky says, "Romania." I watch him from the corner of my eye and bite my tongue.

We're trying to keep the fact that we were in Wakanda on the down-low since they're still in the beginning stages of opening to the rest of the world and not yet allowing joy rides into their borders.

"We went to the Bahamas, then went to Romania. I have... family there," Bucky explains.

"Mhmm, spent two and a half months down south, and a month and a half in Romania. Really great to just take some time away from everything," I add.

"I love the Bahamas. Me and my husband go cruising through the Caribbean every few months. I've never been to Romania though," she shakes her head.

"Oh yah, it's a great place to run away," Bucky says, a knowing smirk on his face.

Letting Go | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now