8 | Thursday, June 10th

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"Where did the information come from?" Rhodey asks.

"If I were to hazard a guess I would say Hydra," Steve mutters, flipping through the hard copies of the files on screen. He pulls his gaze from the papers and shares a look with Nat before looking to the rest of us. "They've said before that their goal is to create chaos, then seize control. This will definitely create chaos."

I scan over the names on screen.

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My eyes drop to the three-inch stack of papers in front of Steve. There are four folders, each with a few hundred pages detailing the individuals' crimes. The information was leaked just in time for the 6 O'clock news, and Fury pulled everyone into a meeting as soon as it was released.

I was really hoping to go longer than a week before any more alarm bells went off again...

I guess we're not that lucky.

"Have they found them all?" I ask.

"Senator Montroy still hasn't been found, but the other three have been arrested," Fury says.

"I'll get on that," Tony pipes up, turning to a screen and tapping away.

"Is there any way to trace where the information came from?" Sam asks.

"We've tried everything we can. They have firewalls thicker than Tony's ego," Fury shrugs.

"Ouch," Tony says dramatically.

I read over the crimes, anger building at their actions. "Is it a bad thing that this was released though? I mean think about it, these people did illegal shit. The Secretary General of the UN for God's sake ignored four calls for help from a refugee camp and thousands died. They need to answer for what they did..."

"I don't disagree, but what's their endgame? That's what we need to be worried about," Nat says.

"Well, shit," Tony mutters.

"What is it?" Nat asks.

"My program works..."

Letting Go | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now