Secret Relationship

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"Sit down, Kakarot." Vegeta closed his eyes and let the wind gently flow against the back of his head. He shivered from the cold, but shook it off and waited for the third-class to sit down beside him.

Goku gulped and nervously watched Vegeta from a distance. Was he in trouble? Did he mess something up? Was he late for their spar? Did Bulma know about them? Or Chichi? "Did . . . did something happen, Vegeta?" He smiled awkwardly and pressed his index fingers together.

Vegeta's shoulders drooped and he rolled his eyes. "Just sit down, you idiot," He grumbled. Of course Goku would assume the worst every time the prince wasn't yelling. "This is important, and I'm not telling you twice."

Goku did as he was asked and stared at Vegeta, admiring the small details on his face. His petite nose, his dark, brooding eyes, his cheeks that looked so soft in the sunlight, all of them looked perfect to the earth-born saiyan. He smiled and touched Vegeta's cheek and caressed them, chuckling a bit when the prince leaned into the touch.

Vegeta shared a small smile towards Goku, before he pulled away and frowned. "We need to talk," Vegeta pointed his finger at both of them. "About this." 

Goku started to panic again as unwanted thoughts ran through his head again. "O-okay." He dropped his hand and nervously glanced at Vegeta. "What did you wanna talk about?"

The prince sighed and crossed his arms. "You know that both of us are married men." He glanced at Goku.

The taller saiyan slowly nodded, still feeling uneasy. "Y-yeah, we are. What about that?"

"You know that 'this'-" Vegeta pointed at both of them again. "-goes against that idea as well."

Goku scratched the back of his head and looked down, guilt starting to build up in him. "Yeah . . . I know that. Don' wanna stop, but I don't want to make Chichi upset."

Vegeta huffed and looked away, staring at the distance instead. "Glad to know you feel the same for your own wife."

"Huh?" Goku looked up at tilted his head, confused. What did he mean by that? "You feel bad doing 'this' too?"

The prince nodded and focused his attention to his lap. "Although I don't . . . hate this relationship that we have, I can't keep hiding these things from that woman. She's smart, and no doubt she's starting to notice the changes between us," He closed his eyes and sighed. "I want to stop this before anyone finds out."

Goku's heart sank. "Y-you . . . don't wanna stay together anymore?" He whispered. His hands began to shake and his lip trembled. Did he screw this up?

"That isn't what I meant," Vegeta looked back at the earth-born saiyan. "I just want to slow this down between us before they've moved on into the afterlife." The smaller saiyan smirked. "You think I'm letting go of you that easy?"

Relief washed over Goku, and he smiled brightly. "Yeah, sorry. It's just, you sounded so scary when you asked me to sit! I really thought you were gonna break up with me." He laughed and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Guess I'm pretty stupid, huh?"

Vegeta chuckled and laid his head on Goku's shoulder. He closed his eyes. "Quite. But that's what makes you special, other than your strength."

Goku rested his head on top of his prince's, and closed his eyes as well. "Hey, 'Geta. I got a question."

"Go on."

"Can I still kiss you?"

Vegeta scoffed. "Only when we're absolutely alone, Kakarot."

"So, right now?" Goku sat up and opened his eyes, staring at Vegeta with a giddy feeling in his chest.

"Later," Vegeta peeked open an eye and kept his gaze on his lover's eyes. "Let me enjoy this first."

"Okay!" Goku laid his head back in the same position as before and closed his eyes. The two stayed that way as the wind gently blew against his backs as the sunlight kept them warm. 

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