Alternate Universe

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This does have a bit of graphic description in case you don't want to read some parts! I'll tell you when it comes and when to skip. 


Vegeta hummed quietly as he fiddled with the wires in the corner, ignoring the sounds of struggle behind him. When he found a matching pair, he slowly adjusted the sliced wires back into place. The sparks didn't feel like anything to the former prince. If he had still been human at least.

More struggling was heard, and Vegeta sighed. "Goku, stop it." He turned and stared at Goku, frowning. "You can't get out those straps, I told you that."

Goku watched in fear as the angel demon went back to work, humming that god awful tune. It wasn't that the prince couldn't sing, no, he sang like a nightingale. It was the song he sung . . .

"Do you remember that song, Goku?" Vegeta stood up and kicked the metal plate into place, dusting his hands and turning his face to the taller man. "You used to play the clarinet with it-" He chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, that was so long ago, wasn't it?"

Goku wanted to say something, anything, to answer the angel demon's question. Alas, he was made without a voice in the past, so it came to no surprise that he would be born with one now. Vegeta walked over to the table the taller male was strapped to, and flipped the switch beside it. The light flickered over Goku's body, but soon stayed still and shown over his inky body.

Goku looked at the former prince once the light returned, and his eyes widened in horror.

(Graphic description is written here, skip down until you see bold writing again)

Vegeta, who was once famous for his beauty and singing voice, now loomed over him with his halo digging into his skull. His left side of his face was immensely disfigured, the dark, black, murky ink slowly leaking out of his eye. There were cuts too, and a few poured ink down his once porcelain face from the large wounds, while small scratches decorated the rest of the space. His cheek was torn open, revealing Vegeta's glistening teeth in the faint light, along with the inky gums that held them in place. Goku squeezed his eyes shut and looked away immediately. God, why didn't Bulma grab him sooner?

(Graphic description is done, continue!)

"Goku~," Vegeta caressed the man's cheek with his gloved hand and slowly made him face the prince again. "Why are looking away from me? You know who I am."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes and snarled as best as he could with his destroyed mouth. The hand that lay on the man's cheek now grabbed his face harshly. "Do you hate my face? Do you think I'm hideous?"

Goku shook his head quickly. No, he could never think like that. He was afraid of him. Afraid he'd become just as disfigured if he, too, stayed here longer.

Vegeta let go of his face and raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me, Goku." He grabbed an axe that lay beside the table, raising it and placing it on his shoulder. "I hate liars."

Muffled thumping could be heard outside, and black ink slowly seeped through the closed door. Vegeta clicked his tongue and turned off the light, sparing Goku the sight. The former prince gently placed the axe back down and sat on the table, his body looming over the wolf man. "I hate you . . ." He whispered.

Goku felt hands on his face again, and stared at the small angel demon above him through the dark. "All you did was stand in the corner and play your tunes, and yet . . ." He watched as Vegeta came closer. The muffled sounds of running came closer, the ink spread some more. "You became beautiful. You . . . you stole my beauty."

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