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Goku sighed as he carried Vegeta through the frigid cold. It was supposed to be for just an hour, that's what he was promised. Vegeta would have only one drink, that's what he was promised.

And yet Goku was here, after three hours of partying with his friends and a drunk Vegeta in his arms.

He could have IT'd the two of them back home, but then Vegeta would panic. And drunk Vegeta was always unpredictable, and a battle might ensue between the two. Not something the Earth-born saiyan wanted to deal with, especially it's aftermath in the morning.

The prince was humming a tune as he lazily fiddled with Goku's jacket. "Mm, hey Kaka!" He gave a lopsided grin. "D'jya know yer' pretty?"

Goku smiled and shook his head a bit. "Yes, you've mentioned that four times now, 'Geta."

"Jus' makin sure you remember! Cause you hit your head," Vegeta's eyes widened. "Ooh, you hit your head." The prince's eyes softened, and he tried to touch Goku's head gently. "You ok? Do's it still hurt?" He muttered.

Goku chuckled and nodded. "I'm fine, 'Geta. It doesn't hurt. It happened a long time ago, remember?"

"It did?" Vegeta frowned and looked down. He placed his hand down and mumbled incoherent words. ". . . I wan'a pie."

"I think there are a few bakeries open right now. What flavor do you want?" Goku beamed. At least he was willing to eat something, which was good considering he only drank at the party.

"Strawberry . . ." Vegeta yawned and rubbed his eyes.

The rest of the walk was silent, save for the soft crunch of snow underneath Goku's shoes and the quiet tune Vegeta hummed. It didn't bother the two saiyans as they continued their walk.

"Kakarot." Vegeta spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" Goku looked at Vegeta and noticed the sad look on his face. "Yeah, 'Geta? What is it? Is something wrong?"

Vegeta's bottom lip trembled, and looked at his hand. ". . . do you love me?"

The taller saiyan stopped walking and raised an eyebrow at his lover. "Of course I do, I wouldn't be doing all of this if I didn't."

"You sure . . . ?" The prince whispered and fiddled with his jacket. "I don' wanna love you if you're not happy with me."

Goku sighed. Drunk Vegeta was always unpredictable. He placed Vegeta on his feet and held the prince's face. He connected their foreheads and closed his eyes. The Earth-born saiyan felt smaller hands cover his own and smiled.

"Vegeta," A soft grunt was heard. "You may be the the most stubborn, persistent, and slightly annoying saiyan I have ever met."

"H-huh? I'm . . . I'm that bad?" The smaller saiyan's voice was cracking a bit.

"However," Goku opened his eyes and wiped the tears that threatened to spill down his prince's face. "Those are exactly why I fell in love with you and still love you after so many years." He kissed each of Vegeta's eyes and grinned widely. "I couldn't leave your side even if I wanted to!"

Vegeta nodded slowly and moved closer. He wrapped his arms around Goku in a hug and buried his face in the blue jacket. "M'kay . . ." he replied, his voice muffled.

Goku chuckled and ran a hand through the prince's hair a few times. "Good. Now, I think you wanted a strawberry pie, right?" He picked up Vegeta again and continued his walk, the sound of snow crunching under his feet and Vegeta's song slowly taking up the silence as the two saiyans headed home. 


"Back off! I hate you!"

"Hey, 'cmon- OW! Vegeta please listen to me-!" Goku kept dodging the random objects thrown at him by the prince.

"No! I'm annoying, aren't I? You ungrateful asshole!" Vegeta picked up a photo frame and threw it. He looked around to find something to throw and grabbed a vase.

"I was only trying to tell you I loved all of you, even your bad parts!" The prince grit his teeth and held the raised vase in place as he glowered at the other. "I never meant to insult you!"

Vegeta scoffed and slowly placed the vase down, which was a relief to Goku. Instead, the smaller saiyan walked up to him and grabbed his ear. "OW ow ow 'Geta please let go-" Goku winced as his lobe was tugged down to reach Vegeta.

"If you wanted to comfort me you don't do it when I'm drunk, understand?" The prince let go of his ear and walked off. "If you do I'll beat your ass into the ground, Kakarot!"

Goku rubbed his ear and smiled at his lover. Yep, stubborn, persistent . . . "and a little bit annoying." He mumbled, before running after the prince. "Wait up, 'Geta!"

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