
Abel leans a little more, putting him almost half in and half out of my house. I'm standing uncomfortably on the wood floor, arms crossed over my chest with the phone gripped like a lifeline in my hand. I nervously scrub my bare foot against the calf of my left leg, and this movement draws Abel's shady eyes down to it.

When did I last shave?! I think in a panic and immediately look down to inspect them. They look ok I guess. They could use some lotion... When I look back up at Abel I nearly die of a heart attack.

He'd tipped his head so it was resting against the door frame, his wonderful arms crossed over his chest. His dark eyes are just so...gorgeous. I feel my face burn up some more, and my heart is hammering against my ribs. Too much gorgeousness. Too much!

"My Grandma sent me over to check on you," He said, a sexy smile beginning to curve his oh-so-perfect lips. Oh crap crap crap, I don't remember how to breathe oh god oh god... "She said something about how you got stuck in your basement or something..."

Answer! Say something dammit! My brain screams at me while my eyes are too busy gawking at his mouth. "Uh..w-well..." What am I saying? The basement. I was in the basement. "...we..." The word slipped out and I was immediately stung with panic.


I'm not alone in the house.


FUCK! I nearly curse out loud as I suddenly remember that Sebastian is in the house with me. The guy I hate is in my house with me, and he's been running around in his underwear!! My heart starts jamming against my ribs like it wanted to escape the drama that could nearly unfold.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit....I am again speechless, but it's because I have this awful fear that Abel will see Sebastian in my house. And he's in his boxers and I'm all frumpled in a wrinkly t-shirt and a pair of little shorts!! My face is begins it's Tomato Imitation routine as I try to make myself answer whilst trying not to panic.

"Ahhh..." My brain starts running a mile a minute and takes me back to what I'd had to use as my excuse for Mrs.O'Heimer. Cats. My stupid imaginary cats. "I have three cats."

Abel raises an eyebrow and his little grin falters. "Oh...ok."

"Your grandma came over for a cup of sugar," Which was a complete LIE, "and when I was talking to her my...my cats started freaking out and I had to um...put them away. And then I fell into the basement."

Now Abel was looking at me like I was crazy. Which I probably sound like, but maybe that'll be a good excuse to use so I can close the door and there's less chance of him seeing Sebastian. Which would be so bad... Remember what he'd said to you last night? Something in my head whispers, and I'm hit with the memory of how almost angry Abel had seemed when he found out I was taking Sebastian home.

"Be careful with him." His demanding voice comes back to me, and his tight grip on my arm too. What had that been about? I'm so confused, there's so much crap going on!!

"How do you fall into your basement?" Abel asks, and I mentally curse. Can't he be creeped out? Why won't he leave? I mean, yes, he's smexy and I would just love to stare at him a little more, but he CANNOT see Sebastian! That would look so bad!

"Well, um, the stairs are rotted out, and I just slipped..." I'm interrupted by another voice, and it had a lilt to it, like singing.

"...yeah your sex takes me to par-i-dise and it shoowooowoowooss, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Cause you make me feeeeell liiike, I've been locked out of heaaveenn! For to lonngg! For to lonnngg..."

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