"I was feeling shitty", she replied.

"Talk to me", he prompted.

"I'm really hurt about you preferring Bre", she admitted. "It breaks my heart".

"Baby, I'm sorry you think that. Please believe me when say I'm love with you and want marry you. Please believe me". Brad's heart was aching.

She didn't say anything.

"I've been so worried about you since the panic attack", he continued. "I was hoping you could make it home tomorrow instead of Friday. I really need to get my arms around you, babe. I miss you so badly".

He heard her sniffle.

"I miss you, too", she said quietly. "I love you so much".

"I love you, too, babe. Please don't question that. Not ever. I don't prefer her. She's just different than you, that's all. Like I said, I'm not giving her up because you aren't giving him up. If you want that to be different, we can discuss it, but we're discussing it at home. Okay?"

"Okay", she agreed.

"I can't wait to see you", he said honestly.

"Will you be staying with me Friday night...or her?", Paige asked, sounding vulnerable.

"You", Brad said decisively. "I'll get you from the airport". Brad intended to spend Friday night through Christmas night with Paige regardless of what Bre was doing, but he still needed to let Bre know his plans.

"Okay", she replied, sounding relieved.

"Anything else?", he asked.


"I gotta get back to work", he said, as he saw a group of workers approaching. "Get better. Love you, babe". 

"I love you", she said.


Bre had been exercising and cleaning after work most days as usual before Steve, and now Brad, got back from work. She typically got home about two hours before they did so it was a good time to do it.

Her doctor said she could keep doing whatever she normally did for exercise at this point, so she hadn't modified anything. Today she was doing a cardio workout in the living room, in the middle of standing crunches, when she felt a horrible pain in her lower belly.

She gasped and crashed to her knees, holding her belly. "Ow...ow", she gasped, and Maggie was immediately at her side, looking concerned. She took a couple deep breaths and the pain went away. She knew exactly what it was but that was scary. It was a round ligament pain. Apparently she would need to start modifying her exercise routine.

Gosh, that sucked. No wonder Paige was terrified when she had no idea about it, and with her injury.

Bre had texted her in the morning. She was feeling a lot of guilt, and worry, about her impulsive little friend, and she decided to try talking to her. She hadn't heard anything yet. She might be really sick considering how much she drank last night.

Bre slowly and carefully got herself to the couch then called her youngest sister, Bailey, who was a nurse and the most recent to have been pregnant. Bailey advised her to take a warm bath and start backing off on such strenuous exercises.

Bre updated her on Steve coming to Christmas, but assured her they weren't back together yet. Bailey supported her, and understood her anger, but she encouraged her to give Steve a chance to change before going straight into divorce.

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