Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

He had all of their undivided attention now.

"Her brother called me out of the blue this summer, thought she was being followed. I looked into it and discovered her ex had been in the area. She had been followed. I started working with her, teaching her self defense, and spending as much time with her as possible. I worked with the FBI to take down that entire leg and got the ex arrested, but his family made bail. At which point he kidnapped her and she kicked him to death as he was driving down the highway, rolling her vehicle, hurting no one but him and only mild injuries on herself".

They were still staring at him.

"So, where is she now?", Tim asked.

"That's also complicated", Rev said. "She had a boyfriend. Still does. He was being a wanker during these past few months. I kicked his ass and hauled her out of there. She was mine off and on during those months. Now she plans to marry him".

"Sounds like she has a knack for picking the wrong guy", Ip said.

"Is this one bad news?", Mace asked.

"Yes and no", Rev admitted. "When they're getting along, they're great together, but he doesn't like her going against his wishes and he gets real controlling when that happens. She's a fireball", he chuckled, "so that tends to happen".

"Maybe she'll see the light", Mace said. "Don't let her forget about you. You be there when he fucks up, she'll come around".

"Except what do I have to offer her?", Rev asked.

"We make this work", Tim said. "There are ways. It takes a special woman, like I said, but from what I've just heard, she can do it".

Rev nodded. Perhaps.

"She's in the midst of a huge career right now, though", Rev said. "I can't be there for all of that and he can, though this week he's staying home, trying to fuck one of their best friends who is estranged from her husband".

"Wait, what?", Ip asked.

"He found out we were together. Told her he got a free pass if he took her back. She agreed and he's cashing it in on her friend".

"That's pretty messed up", Tim said. "She okay with this?"

"Nope, but her guilt makes her feel like she has to let him. That's why she called me to talk, and that's why I'm hauling ass outta here when we're done to go see her".

"It's revenge", Mace said. "I'm guessing she slipped with you due to his behavior, and she felt bad, but he's doing this to hurt her back by using her friend?"

"That's how I see it but she doesn't think so".

"She young?", Tim asked.

"Ten years younger than me".

Tim nodded. "Trusting?"

"Yeah, and sweet and loving. Despite all the shit she's been through and despite how tough she is".

"She pretty?", Ip asked hopefully, light blue eyes twinkling.

"So gorgeous it's hard to believe she's real", Rev said, shaking his head and smiling. "That right there is the root of all her problems".

"Pictures?", Ip asked.

Rev shook his head sadly. "I don't dare with my line of work. If someone wanted to get at me, that would do it".


When the plane landed, I texted Brad to let him know. I didn't expect a response but got one right away.

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