chapter four

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I left the classroom and rushed to work; it was busier than usual, and I sort of stressed cleaned the entire place. After the rush, Maya came up to me.

"Something happened", she noticed, "spill the tea".

"Nothing happened, I'm fine", I smile.

"You cleaned everything, and I mean everything, EVEN the exhaust fan!", she pointed out.

She glared at me, and I avoided her gaze.

"Their crush kissed them, multiple times and now they don't know what to do", Farrah's voiced echoed through café.

I knew I was so dead, but Maya walked off and got a box of macaroons and handed them to me.

"Give these macaroons to your crush tomorrow and if they still reject you, tell my cousin, Milo, he gives great dating advice, unlike me", she smiled and walked off, "your shift is over by the way, you can go".

I left with the box of macaroons in my hands, I put them in the basket on the back of my bike and rode home. I reached the apartment and unlocked the door, when I went inside and turned the light on, I remembered what Rodrigo said. 'They look good together'. I remembered Maria and Professor Dion, talking to each other, the way he smiled so warmly around her. I didn't like it. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I saw him as my wallpaper, and a text from Rodrigo.

Rodrigo: Hey, do you want to go out drinking tonight?

Me: Probably not

Rodrigo: It's at Laine's bar

Me: I don't know...

Rodrigo: I'll pay

Me: It's debatable

Rodrigo: My sister agreed to drive

Me: What time?

Rodrigo: 6:30

Me: :)

I shut of my phone and put on some comfortable clothes, I walked outside and saw Rodrigo waiting for me with his sister, I hopped in, and we drove to Laine's bar. The Rustic Tavern. Laine had designed it like it was fantasy tavern, with all sorts of cool drinks, and the bartender was the most chill person ever.

We walked in and Laine ran up to me.

"Y/N!", she hugged me tightly.

"Hey Laine", I smile.

She was like my little sister. Me and Rodrigo sat down she immediately brought us out the usual order we have, the house hot chips with cheesy sauce and a club burger. The chips were the what the bar was known for, other than the drinks. She went behind the bar.

"So, what feeling would you like to be washed away today?", she asked.

"The feeling of knowing that your crush is way out of league", Rodrigo laughed.

"Coming right up", she exclaimed.

She passed me a light blue drink with a slice of lemon.

"This is called 'sex in the driveway', you'll love it", she smiled.

Rodrigo almost choked on a cheesy chip, "what kind of name is that?"

I drank it slowly while taking a bite of the burger.

"I think this would be a little stronger, if you want to get drunk and spill out all of your depressed feeling"", she acted all dramatic.

I raised the glass and took the shot and put the glass down on the table. I laughed when I noticed my archnemesis from high school enter, Clove. She walked in and took a seat on a barstool. She always looked perfect, wavy long, highlighted, brown hair, with baby blue eyes, and a full face of eastern-style makeup, perfect body shape, and on top of that she was pretty well of. She noticed me and walked over.

"Hi Y/N, how are you today?", she asked.

"Hey Clove", I tried so hard not to hate her.

"Still taking literature?", she questioned, "or have you actually decided to take a useful course for life?"

"Literature, right... that useless course", I shrugged

She smiled, "oh I almost forgot, you're only taking it because you like someone in that class".

I didn't say anything, instead I just gave her a look that indicated 'fuck off, I want nothing to do with you'.

"Oh, what? Cat got your tongue?", she smirked.

"Despite the expression on my face, you're still talking...", I said, sarcastically, "I'm pretty sure anyone could catch on to that, but maybe you're just too stupid".

She raised her eyebrow, "you won't get anywhere in life with sarcastic comments", she said before walking off.

I scoffed, not caring at all, Rodrigo on the other hand was stuffing down the chips and finishing of the burger as quickly as he could.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Camila texted me, she said I have to get home quickly before my mum beats my ass", he said, while drinking cups of water, "you can stay here, here's some money, you can get an uber or something, really sorry!".

And before I knew it, he was out of the door, leaving me on my own. Laine was off busy with other people. Jim looked at me.

"Rough day?" he asked.

"I guess you could say that", I sighed, "hey Jim, hypothetically speaking, if you were to make out with someone, and it was illegal, but you really, really liked them and they liked you back, what would you do?".

"Well, hypothetically speaking I would go along with it if you definitely know that you like them without a doubt, and I would tell someone very close to me, someone who understands, so that they can give me some advice, you know?", he looked at me, smiling, "but if your making out with minors I'm telling the cops".

I almost choked, "no, no, no, not minors my literature professor".


After a while I left, I decided to walk home since I the alcohol hadn't kicked in yet and I was still sober. Soon I had noticed someone familiar walking towards me, then the alcohol started kicking in, it got dizzy, and I couldn't balance myself properly.

"Y/N!", someone yelled out.

My vision got blurry, but I managed to make out who it was, "Rodrigo? I thought you went home with your sister".

"It's not Rodrigo Y/N, it's your professor", they said.

I smiled and giggled before everything went black.

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