chapter one

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The rain fell to the ground on the cold Monday morning. I looked at the watch on my wrist, '8:00am'.

"No, no, no, no, no", I panicked, "I'm late!"

I sped up my bike down the wet road, water dripping off my hair and down my face, and after 15 minutes of cycling from my apartment to the university, in the cold rain, I finally reached the large building. With my computer bag hanging off my shoulder, and my books in a drenched tote bag. I walked inside with my timetable in my hands.

I reached the room, that the lecture was held in, I entered, and everyone stared right at me. I smiled, and giggled, awkwardly.

"Welcome, Y/N Y/L/N", Professor Dion gave me a look, "take a seat please"

"Good morning, Professor", I say.

I walk up to the back and sit next to Rodrigo, my best friend and the only one I knew in the entire class. Who didn't look so happy.

"You're LATE, you left me ON MY OWN", he whispered, "how do you feel?"

My head dropped, "guilty", I sob quietly.

"If you two at the back are finished with your little conversation, can we continue on with the lesson?", Professor Dion asked.

We looked at each other and then at the front, nodding. The Professor sighed and continued teaching before he assigned some tasks. I took out my laptop and started doing the work he had assigned on Moodle. While everyone else was around halfway through, I was finished, but I left the last question alone, and I raised my hand. Professor Dion who was typing on his laptop answered.

"Yes Y/N?" he asked.

"I need some help", I replied.

He closed his laptop and walked up to me. He looked at my screen and helped me out with the question, while he was explaining, I admired him. His deep tone of voice and his soft features, I already knew the answer to the question, I just wanted to talk to him, everything else just zoned out and I just focused on him.

"Do you understand?", he asked.

I snapped back to reality for a bit, "yes, definitely, thank you", I smile.

He smiles and walks off and I fall back into my fantasy.

"Earth to Y/N, Earth to Y/N", Rodrigo shook his hand in front of my face.

I stop fantasizing and answer him, "yes?"

"Stop simping over him, he's a professor, you're a student, its illegal here in Australia", he stated.

"Can you believe it, he's only 28!", I smile.

"Look, I get it, he's young, good-looking, rich", h sighed, "but he's way out of your league"

"He smiled at me", I giggle.

Rodrigo just sighed and realized the fact that he couldn't win against me.

Once the lecture was over Professor Dion, summed up the lesson and once everyone had almost left, he called out to me.

"Actually Y/N, I'd like to speak to you about something, could you stay back?", he asked.

A chill went down my spine, and I knew I was in trouble, but I guess it was just the bad memories from primary school. I stayed back, and everyone else left, Rodrigo heard, and he decided to wait outside of the class. It was silent, Professor Dion leaned against his desk. I gulped.

"Do you know why I asked you to stay back?", he asked.

I shook my head.

"Well then, I guess you remember your most recent submission, the one on 12th century literature?", he asked.

I nodded, slightly. He walked up to me, our bodies just inches away from each other's.

"Then I guess, you also remember everything, every single word you had written in that essay?", he asked, again.

I nod again and he smirks, slightly.

He steps back and walks over to his desk; he looked through the files in his draws. Once again, I was lost in space. His golden eyes, wavy brown hair, and softly tanned skin, his sharp jaw but ever so soft features, and the strangely shaped, hexagonal glasses, with thin, gold, brims. He took some pieces of paper that were all stapled together.

"Your essay", he said waving it in the air.

He walked in front of his desk and cleared his throat.

"I noticed that you had written an essay on the letter of Abelard and Heloise, a notable piece really, but there was a certain part in your essay that struck out to me." he said, giving me a sharp look before continuing, "let me read it out to you. Quote. 'In the given examples the boundary of this relationship acts as a tether between teacher and student, but when compared to a setting of higher education the tension is more tantalizing, particularly when I consider my attraction towards my Literature professor.' Unquote", he looked up and right at me, "care to explain?"

My eyes widened; I didn't know what to say.

"Y/N, answer me", he demanded.

He walked up to me, both of his hands were beside me, creating a cage.

"Umm, well, uhm, ugh", I stuttered.

"Words Y/N, I need words", he looked at me with his piercing gaze, "you are aware of the consequences that follow if I do not get a response from you".

'Why is he asking me so many questions?', I thought.

"I know what the consequences are for this, but I'm not lying, everything I said in that essay was the truth, I didn't lie, I have feelings for you professor, I've liked you since that day last year during the second term, and I can't help myself, you're just too likeable", I stated.

"Oh, I see", he smirked.

I nodded and he leaned in closer, our faces were barely inches away from each other's. I had no idea about what he was thinking of doing. Then it struck me, was he going to kiss me?

"You are aware that you are quite tempting", he whispered, deeply in my ear, making me go all weak. "I guess, somethings are best kept secrets"

He leaned in closer and cupped my face with one of his hands, and he tilted his head slightly, and before I knew it, our lips touched. We went from a soft to a passionate kiss in just seconds. There was a slight hint of strawberries during it. Professor Dion slowly parted the kiss.

"I Don't suppose that this is that secret you were talking about professor?", I smirked.

He chuckled and kissed me again; I could feel his warm tongue in my mouth, and I could feel myself burn up. I cupped his face with both of my hands and pulled him in closer, making the kiss more intense. Professor Dion parted the kiss.

"This could become an addiction of some sort", his breath was heavy.

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