The Election

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Guys...I'm running out of ideas very quickly. Pls help

"Hey" Dream said, as we walk towards the castle gates. "Where's Schaltt?" I ask, not seeing a sight of him. "Why do you want to know?" I smirk at his words, "Because, I need to see him" I reply still searching for him, my eyes scanning everything in my view. "And..Drista where are you going?" he ask, turning to his little sister. 

"To the election..,with her" Drista reply, fiddling with her sword. "No" Dream said, "What?" I ask, turning around. "No" Dream repeated turning to face me. "C'mon it's not f-" Drista complain, only to be cut off by Dream. "I said 'No', are you deaf?" he said, staring at the poor girl. Drista, groan walking into the house. "Woah, Drista where are you going?" I ask motioning for her to come back. "What are you trying to do?" he ask, staring into my eyes. "Bringing her to the election" I said, handing her some of my daggers. 

"She's not going" he said, his voice is pure serious but I could care less. "Why not?" I ask, cocking my left eye brow up. "It's dangerous, if something happen she's going to get hurt!" he said, stress clear in her voice. I just scoff "Pfttt, bold of you to think I can't protect her" I reply, folding my arms, "You can't" I roll my eyes at his words. "Listen here Dream. Just because of I'm a weak woman doesn't make me weak and powerless" I walk towards him and tip-toe to reach his ear. "I'm more powerful than you" after that I walk back, taking Drista's hand and walk towards L'Manbrug. 

I enter to see many people, my eyes scanning for Schaltt. "Uhm.." Drista mumble, nervous from all the people and everything. "You okay, Dris?" I ask, looking at her. She nod, "Taking a deep breathe. You have me" Drista nodded at me words as we continue walking until we met Schaltt, talking to someone. "Heyy" he said, probably drunk. I roll my eyes, keeping Drista close to meet. "You must me The Grim Reaper, I'm Wilbur Soot" the tall man offer a handshake as I accept it. "Nice meeting you Wilbur" my voice cold and monotone. "You too" he mumble, clearly nervous. 

"COME ON EVERYONE! THE ELECTION IS ABOUT TO START" another boy smile, walking to the talk. "C'mon Wil" the boy dragged the man to the stage as Schaltt follow. Schaltt stopped at the stare to talk to me. "Come on follow me" he said, I pause for a moment. "Drista come" she nodded and follow me up the stairs. As soon as I arrived, I saw Dream on one of the towers standing. I stare at him before Wilbur tap his mic to start his speech. 

"Ladies and Gents, welcome from the L'Manbrug Election!" he announce happily, staring into the big crowd. "Today, we will be announcing the votes" people whistle or cheer. "I, Wilbur Soot, Founder of this nation will be announcing the results. Firstly, starting with Coconut 2020. Sadly, there were many votes that are not true and are cheated" he announce as the crowd was shock. I just stand there staring at the crowd.  "In 4th come Coconut 202 with 9% of the votes" a fox and a girl walk off the stage in the crowd. 

Taking their seat in the front row. "In 3rd place comes Schaltt 2020 with 16% of the votes" I arch my brows and stare at the goat man. "Just wait" he reply, his attention back to Wilbur. "Finally! In the second place come Swag 2020 with 30% of their votes MEANING LADIES AND GENTS POG 2020 WIN THE ELECTION" he shouted the last part, as the old members from the nation started celebrating. I just clap softly. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE YET" he shouted again, catching everyone's attention including mines. 

"Before the election results were announced, the two parties, Schaltt 2020 and SWAG2020 decided to mash up their votes no matter what, meaning Schaltt 2020 won by 46% of the votes" I smirk, as colours were drench from everyone's face. Schaltt laugh walking towards the mic, "Get off my podium" he said harshly as the two rush towards the crowd seating beside the fox. "Well that was easy" he said starting his speech, clearing his throat before saying his speech. 

"And you know what I said the day that I got unbanned from the Dream SMP and the day I said I was running? An election that I won, by the way. I said, 'Things are going to change.' I looked every citizen of L'Manberg in the eyes and I said, 'You listen to me: This place will be a lot different tomorrow.' Let's start making it happen" he smirk, I roll my eyes at his boring speech. "My first decree as the president of L'Manberg - the EMPEROR of this great country - is to REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit! Get them out of here! Get them out of here! You're no longer welcome!" he continue shouting in the mic. 

There was chaos everywhere, I make sure to keep Drista save. Punz and others started pointing their crossbow as Wilbur and Tommy started running, I look at them. 'Pathetic' I thought, my attention back to Schaltt and Drista. Quackity and GeorgeNotFound shoot at the retreating men with arrows while Nihachu cries out in protest. Schlatt begins laughing. 

"Oh, that was so easy! Until further notice, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are merely a memory of L'Manberg. A relic of the past. A reminder of the darkest era this country has ever seen. And I guarantee you all, dear citizens... Tonight, that changes. We are entering into a new period of L'Manberg, a period of prosperity! Of strength! Of unity!"he laugh darkly as some cheered. " a protection for this country I want to welcome The Grim Reaper to the stage" he smirk, as I walk everyone's attention now on me. 

I can hear gasp from the crowd some cheer, no matter what they choices don't matter to me. "THAT'S THE EVIL FREAK" one shouted, having the courage to. I just smirk at their bravery, "She's going to be the head general of military" Schaltt announce as I was glad with my own role. "So what's your order?" I just smirk, taking the mic from his hand. "All guards will be guarding all of the gates. If you see one sign of Wilbur Soot or Tommyinnit, shoot them" I said coldly. "THAT'S NOT FAIR" the pink headed girl shouted at me, "All is fair, princess" I reply. "Niki, you have no right to argue against the president" Quackity said beside me.

"ANYWAYS! That's it for now everyone! Enjoy your day!" with that everyone left. Of course, there isn't always going to be peace. 

Yooo i hope you like this chapter! Love you and take care <3

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