Sabrina, Sacred Saviour

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I was not going to bring that up, but really, what makes a being, something? Is it their blood or is it their upbringing? Genetically, I'm nothing more than a demon, but Father raised me as an Asgardian, and Sabrina, whether She would admit it or not, let me interact with the human Wicca culture. Does that make me an asgardian demon with some human culture, or am I nothing more than a demon?

And it is true - Father isn't asgardian, biologically. He's from Jotunheim, the land of the frost giants, but he was raised asgardian to the point of becoming king of the realm. Is he still not asgardian? Will beings like us only be recognised by our blood, and not our culture?

She continues. —Honestly, he's barely a god. —

Who is She to declare if someone's a god?

I sigh, holding that comment back. Instead, I change the topic, —I want to be left alone. You said you would leave me alone-—

—And I will! —She interrupts, smiling wide, seemingly not reading my lack of excitement. —Hell's huge, Kid. While I sit here and do my royal shit you can have the rest of Hell for yourself. I mean, not literally, but you can hang out there. We'll only see each other like once a decade. —

Once a decade.

She expects me to stay here for decades. I wasn't even created a decade ago. What does She even want me to do in Hell for years? Walk around and count the rocks? Observe the house of Lust from afar when I feel like it? I would rather die than stay in this kingdom. She lied to me and She thinks I'm okay with it.

—Or you can take the role of princess. —there is no such role in Hell. —I know you like being one, a little birdie told me you're considered a princess in Asgard. I can create the role for you. And you'd actually be helpful for your kind. —

—No. —

I cannot keep being soft and indirect with Her. She will not understand my feelings, no matter how obvious they are. I have to say things straight. I have to tell Her the things I know She doesn't want to hear. She can't ruin me more.

—I don't agree with your decision. —still, I can try to change Her mind. —Demons will keep leaving illegally, no matter what you do. The only way to control damages is to allow them. —

Her face and shoulders drop.

—I'll ask you again. —She says, —Do you believe in making Hell a mighty kingdom? —

I was a child when She first asked. A child under Her influence. But, I will admit, my answer has not changed. Sure, I don't want to do anything with Hell, but it doesn't mean I don't want it to thrive as a kingdom. I want it to be successful. I want it to be good. Sabrina and I have the same wish for Hell, but we have different approaches, and only now She's beginning to notice.

I nod.

—Good. We're not so different. —Her voice sounds happy, but there isn't a smile on Her face anymore. —You're just a child. You don't understand this mess. I've been working for this for centuries, understand? —when She's close enough to my face, she whispers, —If you're not going to help me, step to the side. I know what I'm doing. What was that saying again...? —She takes a step back, thinking for a second. Then, She opens Her arms. —Mother knows best, Starchild. —

—You're not my mother. —

Sabrina didn't even bother to give me a name. She has no right to call Herself a mother.

She blinks in surprise. —Oh. Okay. —

Without saying anything else, She walks back to the throne, standing on it to reach the sword of Pride behind it. She snatches it from the holder, jumps back to the floor, and stands again in front of me, this time holding the sword between us.

With a swift movement, She turns it around, so the handle is on my side. She nods at it, inviting me to grab it. —Kill me, then. I'm not your mother, you don't like my decisions, you don't even want me as a queen. What do you want, Kid? —She tilts Her head. I don't answer, and She insists on the sword. —Kill me if that's what you want. —

Could I kill Her? I might risk getting more enemies from that action. And, of course, if She dies, I'm the next in line. It would make me the queen. I can't kill Her.

—Exactly. —She keeps the sword by Her side. —You know what's best for you. Don't complain about me if you're not going to do anything to change it. —

She moves back to the throne, dragging the sword behind Her.

Sabrina sits down. —You can leave now. —She winks. —Good luck in Hell. —

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