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~Sexual content! There will be smut, you have been warned! Please skip if you don't like reading it<3~

"El," I heard Neville's voice call.


"I want you to meet my nan," He tells me nonchalantly. "Before you freak out and pull the Lestrange card, she invited us to Christmas dinner. Nan doesn't do that, so she must want to meet you."

I stare at Neville, my mouth is fully open. How is he so casual about this? I completely dropped the shirt I was folding and continued to stare at him in complete and utter shock.

"Nev-" I began.

"Don't," He cut me off instantly. "It's not up for debate, we're going to Christmas dinner at my nan's."

I shook my head, panic rising in my throat, "But the Weasley's," I countered.

"I told Molly that we'll join them for Christmas Eve and Breakfast the following day," He tells me curtly, zipping up his bag.

I shook my head. Even more questions began pooling into my head. And as if Neville knew all of them, he began answering them.

"Wear your normal clothes, Nan isn't fancy. And I already bought her a gift from us. Molly isn't offended, none of the Weasleys are. And for Merlin's sake, please don't run away."

My mouth was still hanging open as I gaped at him. How he knew all of my questions was beyond me. He only left one unanswered. 

"Where are we staying? You said with the Weasleys only on Christmas Eve," I question him hastily, praying this is my ticket out.

"My apartment, of course," He grins cheekily at me, and I feel my heart drop.

"You own an apartment?" I scoff in total disbelief.

He nods and gives me a cocky smirk, "It's a muggle apartment too."

And when I thought this man couldn't drop any more bombs on me, he drops the final blow.

"I also have a roommate that you'll quite like."

That was it. I have been living with a stranger. I mean a roommate and apartment? A muggle apartment, nonetheless.

He told me nothing more. No elaboration even after looking at my confused face. He just grinned and helped me finish packing. I continued to watch him as he delicately folded a pair of my pants. But despite all my staring, he said nothing.

After we finished packing up our stuff — mostly mine — We met up with Ron and Hermione at the three broomsticks. Collectively, we decided on a booth closer to the door so when Ginny and Harry arrived they could see us.

Hermione took notice of my rather flabbergasted face and shot me a questioning glance. I shook my head as if to tell her that I would explain later. She seemed to understand well enough and nodded.

After about twenty minutes of chatting, Gin showed up with Harry hot on her heels. Ron waved them over to us and they both sat down. Each was wearing an expression somewhere between ecstasy and panic. No one questioned it, which the couple looked grateful for, and just moved on.

Ron, Harry, and Neville buggered off to go get us butterbeer and small appy platters. Hermione and I took this as our opportunity.

"You're pregnant," Hermione shot out.

Ginny shushed Hermione instantly and put her head into her hands, drawing a deep breath. Mione' immediately relaxed and wrapped an arm around her. 

"You're upset?" I asked her gently, pulling a hand away from her face. 

The Marriage Law//Neville LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now