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I found myself wandering the halls with no particular destination in mind. Something about midnight walks just made me happy, especially after nightmares. Tonight was particularly worse than usual. 

My mother and father were tieing me to a bed and injecting me with weird substances that were burning me from the inside out. They were blaming me and calling me a traitor. It was enough to wake me up with a rapid heart rate.

It was currently three in the morning, but honestly, I wasn't going to sleep much ore anyway after the dream. I ended up in the kitchens, chatting with the house-elves. I never cared much for them or bothered to learn their names, but occasionally will come and chat with them.

After about an hour, I left them so they could start preparing for breakfast and made my way back to the dorm. I made myself some coffee and sat on the couch, reading the newspaper. There wasn't anything other than praise for Potter, and disapproval of the Marriage Law.

Neville and I hadn't started planning our wedding but decided that the wedding will be sometime in January. Ginny was beginning to get frustrated with us over this, but we really didn't want a big wedding. Neither of us has family, other than Neville nan, of course. The only guests would be our friends, which are literally the people we dorm with.

When I was done with the paper, I laid down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. Ginny cae down a bit later with Harry. They aknowlaged me briefly and made coffee.  Once they were done their coffee they went back up to their room. Hermione came down around seven and sat on the couch opposite of me.

She set a coffee down onto the table without a word and stared at me. Her lips were set in a firm line as she watched me.

"Thanks," I smile tiredly at her.

"You often have midnight adventures?" She asks.

I crease my brows and look up at her, "Only when I get bad nightmares, why?"

Her face relaxes a bit and she takes a sip of coffee before answering, "Nevermind."

I nod and grab the coffee from the table and take a sip. We sit in silence for most of the morning until everyone came down for school.

The day was long and immensely boring. By third block, I was in a terrible mood, and even Neville seemed to notice. He would nudge me and I would give him a weak smile to appease him. But deep down, something was wrong. I had this feeling of dread building in my stomach, but couldn't find any reason for it.

That was until I walked by Pansy and saw her fiddling with Nevilles tie. His cheeks were a light shade of pink and the brunette played with his red and gold tie. I felt my jaw tic at the sight but remained silent, observing what I was witnessing. Or at least I remained silent until Pansy pulled him in by his tie to kiss him.

"Look at you two," I clap my hands together slowly, "I mean, come on, what a cute couple."

The pair pulled away immediately. Pansy was smirking meanly at me, but it was Nevilles expression that concerned me more. He looked embarrassed and slightly annoyed. AT who, though? Me? If he even has the audacity.

"Oops," Pansy giggled.

"Shut the fuck up, Parkinson," I tell her in a flat voice, and then look at neville, my features void of all expression. "You should find another place to stay tonight."

"Fuck," He muttered, running a hand through his brown hair. "El, please," He tried desperately.

"It is Lestrange to you," I told him flatly. "I'll be off, have fun snogging," I told them cheerfully before walking off calmly.

The feeling was undescribable. Like my heart was freezing over and shattering, draining every single emotion from me. I didn't feel anything. It was back to square one. When I just started feeling things, he fucks it up. 

I went to my fourth block and told both Hermione and Ginny what happened. They were both livid, and Gin even offered to castrate him. I calmed them and said I would deal with it, which seemed to satisfy them.

 After class, all of us went back to the dorm. Neville came in and I followed him into our dorm. The look in my eyes was murderous. When the door closed, I cracked my jaw and looked dauntingly at Neville.

"Pack your shit," I told him, keeping my face carefully blank.

"El," He began.

"Lestrange," I corrected him. "Pack your shit and get out."

He scoffed, "What about the law?"

"They can ship me off to azkaban or kill me, I really couldn't care less. My life has been nothing less that disappointing," I tell him, ready to kill him. "Now pack your shit and get out."

He shakes his bead and pulls out his trunk. Neville fills it quickly and casts a spell to shrink it, and then slams the door behind him. I go downstairs after I'm sure he is gone, and am greeted by Ginny throwing hexes at the closing door. I did nothing to stop her, and neither did Hermione.

After Ginnywas done, she pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's always the ugly ones," She muttered lowly.

I grinned into her shoulder and pulled away, "Want to get drunk?"

"Obviously!" SHe beamed, pointing at her stash of firewhiskey on the counter. 

Harry and Ron came down to come have some drinks and apologize for Neville. All of us most joked around for the night and decided on all sleeping in the living room. I knew my back would hate me in the morning, but chances are, I will be in Azkaban within the next three months. Get used to sleeping on the floor while I can.

I fell asleep talking to Hermione and Ron about how Knitting should be a sport in the muggle olympics. Ron disagreed, but Hermione was on my side, and said it is hard to learn. Obviously, we both knew how to knit because in the war, sometimes you had to make your own clothes and bandages.

The Marriage Law//Neville LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now