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I rolled onto my side and found myself in a tangle of arms. A smile raised itself onto my lips as I brushed a few loose strands of hair from Neville's forehead. My fingers fell to cup his jaw lightly, and all I could do was stare. It's unfair that he can look so adorable when sleeping.

His body began shifting with me and I immediately dropped my hand. A groan of irritation escaped his throat. His eyes fluttered open and immediately met mine.

"I liked that," He grinned cheekily at me.

My eyes rolled and I leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"I like you."

Neville smiled warmly at me and pulled my body closer to his. I was essentially naked except for my bra. Neville was only wearing his boxers as well. 

It was so odd the way we worked. We would fight, ignore each other, and then make up. The cycle continuously repeats on us. One would push and the other would pull, that's how we worked.


It had been two weeks and Christmas was only a few days away. I had everyone's gifts except for Nevilles. I have no clue what to get that man. Eventually, I found myself wandering down a muggle bookshop.

I was walking aimlessly through the isles until I spotted the plants section. I immediately headed that way and started looking at books. After grabbing about three books on how to garden and maintain plants, I went to the register and set the books down.

"Starting a garden?" The clerk joked.

I let out a strangled laugh and pulled out some muggle money. After paying quickly, I apparated to Hogsmeade and walked to Hogwarts from there. It was late afternoon by the time I reached my shared home and found everyone decorating a tree in our living room.

I noticed Neville almost instantly, and shoved the books behind me. Quickly, I rushed up the stairs and stashed them in the bottom of my trunk under some clothes so Neville wouldn't find them.

When I reappeared, Neville pulled me into his chest by my waist and kissed my hair. 

"Hello, darling," He grinned.

I pulled away and smiled at him. His eyes lit up like the sun and he rushed away to a large box holding small ornaments. He grabbed one out and passed it to me with a mild blush creeping up his neck.

The ornament was a beautiful shade of emerald green and read, 'Neville and Ascella's first Christmas,' with a small heart underneath. I beamed at the ornament and I took it, walking up to the tree. Neville was hot on my heels, and everyone stopped and stared.

Gingerly, I placed Neville's hand on my own and we both put it on the Christmas tree. Together.

I turned my head to look a Neville and found him already staring. A slight grin painted itself onto my lips, and I leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek. A blush crawled across his cheeks, painting his face an unnatural shade of red.

When I pulled away, we immediately noticed everyone cooing and coughed awkwardly. Trying to ignore all of our friends, Neville and I continued to decorate the tree with colorful ornaments and lights.

Eventually, the tree was finished, and everyone stood back to get a better look. It was horrendous, to say the least. The garland and lights looked like they were thrown onto the tree, and the ornaments were a mush of uncoordinated colors, but it was our tree.

Everyone laughed and we sat down in the kitchen. Harry began making some tea and we all began chatting about our days and our plans for the holiday. Everyone was staying here, but on Christmas Molly invited everyone to the burrow, even me.

A pinch of melancholy and gratefulness pulled at my heart. Despite my mother and my past, she still seemed to attempt to accept me. I have no doubts that she loathes me, but I was grateful for her offer. We told Ron to let her know we would graciously accept the offer.

After about an hour more of talking, everyone headed up to bed.

When Neville and I reached our room, he closed the door and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. It was desperate but also meaningful.

"Thank you," He muttered into my hair.

"For what?" I giggled into his chest.

"For putting that ornament on with me," He kissed my hair gingerly. "And for letting me have this Christmas with you," Another kiss.

I pulled away and stared up at Neville, his eyes were watery and welcoming. The pools of green drew me in. I leaned up on my tippy toes and pressed my lips to his. His grip tightened on me before he finally released me.

"Let's go to bed," He smiled.

I nodded and grabbed some clothes from the closet. When I made my way to the bathroom, Neville's voice stopped me.

"Don't hide, Love," He placed a hand on my shoulder.

His voice was softer and more velvety. I turned around and faced him, only to find him staring at me with an unusual look. I dipped my head and began blushing.

I felt his fingers move from my shoulder to the hem of my shirt, and he began lifting it. He gently pulled it up, and I raised my arms to help him. Once t was over my head he muttered something so quiet I couldn't hear it.

I then unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. Neville's eyes tracked my every movement. I quickly grabbed my pyjama pants and went to put them on, but Neville took them from me. His smirk grew wider, and he closed in on me. His hands gripped my waist, and suddenly I was hoisted over his shoulder.

A loud screech ripped itself from my throat as I punched his back. But he did nothing but walk to the bed and drop me on my back before pulling his shirt off and taking his pants off. My eyes followed him in confusion.

"We're a couple," He told me. "Couples aren't afraid to sleep together without clothes."

I giggled and pulled the covers over me. Neville smirked and got in after me. His fingers immediately found my arse, and he pulled me inward. I let out a loud giggle at the action and snuggled into his chest.

"Goodnight," I murmured.

"Goodnight, Love."


Yall, I am so sorry! I completely forgot to post/write. I won't lie, some days I didn't feel like it but then I sort of forgot altogether because tomorrow I move into my new house and all that stuff so you know it's been hectic with trying to get all assignments done before I transfer schools. Also, the whole tearing my bedroom apart is going crazy. So sorry, I know it's short and kind of boring, but thank you for reading!

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