chapter 22 ~ frustrations + solutions

Start from the beginning

"We're here for backup, let's get you out of here babe." It was Michael and William. An intense wave of relief came over me. I was surprised William was here helping me, he wasn't exactly fond of me after Elizabeth went missing. Probably because I just reminded him of her, and how close I was to his little girl. She was like my little sister.

I was almost done. Michael and William went on their way to Henry's house to start dropping stuff off, while I finished up. I heard another car pull in, and I knew I wouldn't be lucky this time. The car door slammed shut, and that's when I knew it was my mother. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I knew she was grilling Henry, and I felt so nervous what might happen next. "Getting your daughter away from you." I'd never heard him be...rude? He was always so nice, this was a side of him I'd never seen before.

"I don't think so! She's my daughter, not yours!" My mom yelled. I had this one bag left to get into Henry's truck so we could get out of here. "She's 18, Melissa. It's no longer up to you." He said in a firm voice. "Go Henry!" I thought to myself. "She needs to be in a safer environment, not one where her own mother hits her!" Now he was getting angry. "Stop babying her, Dammit! This isn't your business anyways Henry. Stay out of it!" My mother yelled.

"It is my business. Who else is going to actually take care of her? Who is actually going to be a parent to her?" She shot a death glare at him, knowing he had a great point. "I'm  perfectly capable of taking care of her, as for you? That's funny. Last  time I checked you're still friends with a murderer! I won't let my daughter be like you, and remain friends with a murderer like you are!" Henry was clearly getting frustrated with this conversation.

"I'm  not speaking with him, I'm not business partners with him, and I'm  certainly not friends with him. Let's get that straight now." He was bluffing. I knew how much Henry hated lying, but he was doing it for me. My  mother was getting in Henry's face now. "You don't get to tell me lies!  You're just as much of a monster as William." Shit, she called his bluff. She slapped Henry in the  face. She knocked his glasses off of his face and crushed them under her foot. The two began yelling at each other louder and louder.

I saw the chance and I took it, bolting out of the front door amongst all the yelling and confusion. Henry noticed this, and made sure he spoke loud enough for me to hear him. "So  I figure that's where Y/N receives all of her injuries from? I'll be on  my way now. Don't try and contact me again, Melissa." He bluffed again, but terribly. He already called her out for it earlier in their argument. "You don't get to run away after making such a disgusting claim. I'd never hit my own chi-" He cut her off.

"Is  that right? Where did she get that black eye from during that week she  went missing? It wasn't William, he was still mourning the loss of  Elizabeth, nor had he seen Y/N that week either. How about how she got that one? It's funny how those showed up after I got off the phone with you." Henry slammed the door  shut. He unlocked his truck as he made a mad dash for the drivers seat as I got in and threw my suitcase in the back seat. My mother was chasing after him.

He got in and started the truck as quickly as he could, and sped off down the drive way. He knew my mom would try and follow us, but luckily she still didn't know where Henry lived. He was speeding away to make sure she wouldn't be able to follow us. He threw on some funky jazz music as we sped down the highway. I couldn't help but start laughing in joy. He finally got me away from that witch.

The city lights were shining so brightly. It felt like that I was in the light at the end of my long, long, looooooong tunnel. I huge smile plastered on my face. "Thank you so much Henry!" I yelled out in joy. "No problem kiddo, I got it from here." He turned in looked at me, and returned the smile I gave him. "Windows down?" He chuckled. "Hell yeah." I grinned. I soaked in this moment. My life was turning around for the better. Freedom.

I stuck my arms and head out of this window and just yelled out in bliss. This felt so amazing. I heard Henry laughing too, he was happy for me. "Watch out world, here comes Y/N." He joked. I burst out into laughter. "Damn right." I'd never felt anything like this before, but it was magical.

We turned onto the street where his house was, and pulled into his driveway. "Home sweet home kiddo!" We started unloading my stuff into the room he'd had set up for me when I'd escape over to his place when I needed to. I sat all my suitcases in my room. I was too tired to unpack everything tonight.

Present day, flashback over.

"So that's how all of that went down? I didn't know Henry could yell if I'm being honest. Wow!" Sakura snickered. "He's so awesome!" I nodded in agreement. I probably would've still been stuck in that hellhole if it wasn't for him. "You guys wanna stay for dinner?" Michael offered. "We'd love to!" Sakura answered for William, he didn't seem to mind it though. We ordered Taco Bell, and enjoyed each others company before William and Sakura headed out for the night. I just wondered how confronting my mother tomorrow would go....


A/N ~ Callback to chapter 10!! Now you know the full details of that night hehe. I hope you're all enjoying!!

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