chapter 12 ~ love is destructive

Start from the beginning

MICHAEL. My oldest. You blame yourself for something that was my fault. I'd comfort you, but you're in love with a demon, or that of blood related to one. I hope you can forgive me.
What the fuck? I may have gotten into fights and done some illegal things, but I wasn't a demon. For someone who I used to think respected me, he still had some strong feelings about this.

I decided to continue to look around the lair of a man who had clearly lost all humanity. He was a lot more fucking crazy than I thought. I didn't know that was possible, but it turned out to be.

I noticed that there was storage cabinet of some sort. I opened it quietly, and spotted a binder with red letters on the front. "The suspects." The binder wrote. I was confused, so I opened the binder and started looking through it.

Photo's of people. Some I recognized, some I didn't. Suspects to what? What did any of this mean. That's when I reached another page labeled "Highly suspect." My heart sunk to my stomach. In that page were photos and descriptions of both myself and my mother. What were we highly suspect of? I needed to find out.

As I got to the last page, I found out what this binder was for. This was a binder full of people who William Afton thought caused the disappearance of his daughter, Elizabeth. In the back was a letter to her.

"Dearest daughter Elizabeth,

I miss you. I'm deeply sorry I wasn't able to protect you from whoever took you. I write this in hopes you're still alive, and that you may find it one day. However, I know that's a thread of hope that's about to turn to ash after burning for so long. Daddy is going to make whoever did this pay. I may do some evil things you wouldn't be proud of, but that is the extent of my love for you as your father. I will take everything from whoever took you from me, and then I'll make that person lose their life in the most horrific way I can manage. I wish I could know who did this for certain, as I don't want to bring pain to an individual who doesn't deserve this, however that isn't a possibility. I have my hunches. Y/N L/N, or her demon of a mother Melissa Y/N. Y/N had such a dramatic reaction to your disappearance, which nearly seemed like stage dramatics to me. However, I am leaning less to her, as I remember how respectable she was. I'll try to scare the truth out of her. It's her mother I'm concern about. Upon hearing about the situation, she was cold. Stone cold. She seemingly didn't care. I will make the L/N family pay. I'll take your brother away from Y/N if I must. She may kill him too... That sounds absurd when I write this out, but your departure from my life has descended me into madness. I will avenge you, daughter.

                                                                                                 ~Love, Daddy; William Afton"

I felt tears well up in my eyes. The entire thought, that he was worried I had killed Elizabeth, let alone planned to kill Michael hurt. I loved his entire family, more than my own. I held the title of "Auntie Y/N" given to me by William with such pride. I loved Elizabeth like my own little sister. I could never dream of doing anything so sinister.

The only thing now were the conflicting feelings I had. I was feeling sympathy for William Afton, someone who I thought was the devil, was actually a distressed father. I felt the tears roll down my face. William went crazy because of his hunches. My brother, my relationship, everything gone because of something someone else did.

Strangely, I felt bad for the man who had clearly spent all this time planning my death. He didn't know how to mourn losing his son, daughter, and being cheated on by his wife all within the span of 6 months. What hurt most, was the fact that he thought I could do something like this.

It hurt my feelings to know that William thought I'd ever bring any harm to the same kid who I'd babysit all the time, free of charge no matter how much he insisted he payed me.

This did however confirm one thing to me, that really started to tug at my heart. Michael Afton was still alive. There was a part of me that wanted to sit down, and try to speak with William. Find out where Michael is, but most importantly, clear his head on the thought I was the one who took away the ball of sunshine that was Elizabeth.

The tears kept falling, and I was doing my best to cry in silence. I was doing anything and everything I could to keep myself from making any noise, but my heart felt broken again. I was pulled out of my thoughts, and pushed into another set of ideas.

A hand crept over my mouth, silencing my sobs I kept desperately trying to hold back. There were new tears falling. Ones of horror. A familiar, bone chilling voice spoke.

"So, you discover the truth and you cry about it. How pathetic, Y/N. Perhaps you're crying because I was onto you. You won't me escape this time. Elizabeth will be happy about this."
William laughed.

I struggled as hard as I could to muffle out something, something to tell him I didn't do it. I bit his hand, causing him to loosen his grip. In those few seconds I had, I screamed. "No she wouldn't. You wrote it yourself!" Was all I could muster out before I heard the door barge open. It was Jennie.

"Leave her alone unless you want me to fuck you up. Remember me? The girl you told your son to stay away from? The girl you told him not to piss off because you were scared of me rearranging his face? I hope you're still fucking terrified of me, pussy." Jennie yelled. She pulled her knife, and tossed one to me.

"Oh boy, this will be fun." William smirked, pulling out a knife too.

Life or death. Fight or flight. It was time to fight back or leave for good. This was it.


A/N ~ Discoveries. This chapter taps into the FNAF lore a bit, but also in a way that's very unique to coldblood, so I can keep everyone guessing.

What did you think of William's letter?

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