-Emotions You Let Me Feel-

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Hey guys! I'm back and I'm ready to write the rest of this story!!! I hope you guys are as excited and as eager as I am, so please enjoy the rest of this tale❤️❤️❤️
Also this is one of my favorite songs and I thought it fit the chapter nicely, so enjoy!

After I was done, I went back to the princes room. I quickly wiped away my tears and walked in like nothing happened.
"Sorry about that your highness, they needed me for something."
He shooed it off and we spend the rest of the day together.


"You're spacing out a lot, are you doing okay?" He asked from the other side of the table.
I hummed in response, unable to meet his eyes. I was finding it difficult to keep up with the cheery act as the day came to an end.
I knew what I had done and what I had to do, it didn't feel right to pretend anymore. Not after everything that's happened.
"Please, Killua. You don't need to hide anymore. I'm here to listen to you."
He spoke softly and slowly.

I couldn't bring myself to respond. He knew who I was, he knew what I was trying to do, and yet he didn't give up on me. I didn't understand. I couldn't understand. I hated the way he made me feel. No— I hated how I couldn't reciprocate it.
"Just drop it already." I hissed. "It's none of your business anyway."

He's trying to hurt you, don't fall for his trap...
I could feel my head throbbing with fear and stress. I couldn't take the tension in the room.
My stomach twisted into knots as I waited for Prince Gon's response.

"Killua." He started with great authority. "Nothing you say or do now would be a surprise to me. I know who you are and I understand why you're here. Even so, I want to protect you. If something happened, I want to know. I want to know how I can help you."

"..Help me?" I said, shocked.

"Yes!" He elaborated. "I don't care who you are..."
I suddenly felt his warm hand wrap around mine.
"I want you to stay here...with me..."
His thumb brushed over my knuckles soothingly as he cradled my hand in his. My eyes shot up from my lap to be met with his pouting face.
I could tell I hurt him.

"But you're trying to trick me." I said coldly.

"You are the only one who is doing tricks here, Killua. Get out of your own head and live the way you want to." He said firmly. "You won't enjoy any part of your life if you live in fear. Don't waste away fearing the unknown."
He took a deep breath.
"Are you ready to talk about it now?"

"Get out of your own head"....
I thought about what he said for a long time. So long, the prince got up from the table and moved his chair next to mine.

"I take back what I said. You don't owe me an explanation for how you're feeling. As long as you're safe and okay, that's all I care about...However-"
He swiftly grabbed my chin to look me in the eyes.
"If anyone is trying to hurt you, you must tell me. I won't let it happen."
I could feel the seriousness in his tone and in his grip.
"Now then." He said with a sigh. Before I knew it, he had reached his hand around my head and gently pushed it down onto his lap. "Rest for a little, okay? You don't have to sleep but I just want you to know how much I care. How badly I want you to feel safe."

I nearly began to protest until my face landed in his lap.
His clothes were soft and warm, I could feel my worried expression melt away with the sudden comfort of the princes lap. Tears rose to my eyes as he began to run his fingers through my hair.
"I know who you are Killua, and you are not alone anymore."
For the first time in my life, I cried in front of someone. Venerability spilt from my eyes and trickled down onto the princes clothes. Sobs that escaped my mouth erupted from within me. My mind screamed with thoughts and fear, but this is what I wanted. I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to be in that dark room, crying softly in the princes lap.

I wanted to feel.

And he let me.


Suddenly, I could see the bright sun from behind my eyelids. My whole body was warm from the rays and from the blankets on top of me. I realized my head was rising and falling, almost in the rhythmic pattern. With great curiosity, my eyes fluttered open to be met with a hand wrapped around mine. Only then did I realize I was on top of someone's chest.

"Ah-" I sat up suddenly in fear.
Unfortunately, before I could get out of the bed, he woke up.

"Huh..? Oh-" He the proceeded to yawn. "Good morning Killua..."

"What happened??" I hissed in a loud whisper.

"Well you ended up falling asleep but you wouldn't let go of me." He said laughing a bit. "I didn't have the heart to wake you."

"I'm so sorry I really shouldn't have-" I said frantically lifting the blankets off of myself when I felt his warm hand grab my wrist. His gentle grip was enough to stop me.

"Really...I don't mind, you can stay..."
A light blush filled his cheeks with color.
"I..I want you to..."
I felt my face heat up with his honesty.

Reluctantly, I laid back down.
As I settled back into his bed, I felt his arms wrap tightly around my shoulders. My face was pressed against his chest once again.

"Lets sleep in...just for a little while.." He whispered.
He acted like he didn't care if I left or stayed but as I drifted back into sleep, all I could hear was his quickened heartbeat.

Just before I fell asleep a quiet "thank you" escaped me. After, I allowed myself to slip into the warmth and comfort that was the princes arms.

The Prince's Compass♡~Killugon/Gonkillu Fanfic~♡Where stories live. Discover now