-The Garden-

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Hey y'all! Start playing the music once they reach the garden!

After a few days of working, things have been hell.

Ever since he told me he knows who I am, he's kept me captive in his room. The only horrible thing is that if I want to leave he threatens to tell my secret. I don't mind spending time with him, I just don't like how it's against my will. Not to mention the advantage he has over me.

"Killua, what do you say we go for a walk in the garden?" He asked delightfully.

"Why would you want to go out today? It's pouring rain." I responded. We had been watching the rain fall from his window for almost half an hour.

"What? You aren't afraid of a little rain are you?" He teased, smiling wide.

"I am no such thing, your highness. It's just not safe to visit the garden today." I said while folding my arms.

"There's no need to be so formal still." He said getting out of his chair. "Now then, let's see if you're a fast runner."
He then began to bolt for the door.

"Huh?? Where are you going?!" I yelled from my seat.

"To the garden!" He laughed as he swung the door open and swiftly ran out.

"Damn it-!" I said under my breath as I leapt out of my chair to run after him. I was fortunate to have training or I probably wouldn't be able to catch up to him.
I dashed down the long hallways to see him taking a left all the way at the end. I sped up in hopes of not losing him. I was finally able to come close to him when one of the higher ups entered the hallway. I swiftly yanked Prince Gon by the collar and hid behind a wall.

His body shook a bit to try and be free of my grasp, but I hushed him immediately. I held one hand over his mouth and the other wrapped around his waist, pressing his body to mine. I felt my face flush red, but I couldn't risk us being questioned about where we're going.
From under my arm, I could feel his heart beating quickly.
After a few seconds the higher up entered one of the secret stairwells to get to where they were going quicker. Only after the door closed behind them did I release Prince Gon.
"That was awfully forward of you, Killua." He remarked while brushing himself off. "Care to explain yourself?"
Only after he faced me did I see his bright red face.

"I apologize, however, that person who just walked by was a higher up. I could've gotten in trouble if they saw you running through the halls without supervision. I know you want to go to the garden but you can't get me in trouble. I have a hard enough time keeping a low profile." I took a deep sigh. "I could lose my position."

"Oh I hadn't realized...I'm sorry Killua..." He frowned.

"It's fine now will you stop calling me that outside of your room?!" I whisper yelled.

"Okay, okay! Understood!" He laughed. "Now then, let's go!"
He linked his arm with mine and practically dragged me down the hallway.

After leading me down a few different hallways and through a couple of doors—we finally made it to the garden.
"Ah we're here!" He said aloud.

"Oh wow, I don't think I've ever been here before..." I then began to take in the beauty of the garden.
There were multiple paths lined with an assortment of flowers and sculpted bushes. Though the sky was dark with rain, the plants remained vibrant. It was truly a lovely sight.
It wasn't raining as hard now, but that wouldn't have stopped him from running out and stomping in puddles anyway. He laughed and danced with delight. He would ruin his clothes with mud and mucky water, but I couldn't find my voice. I couldn't find the nerve to scold him.
He only made the picture brighter.

"Kana! Come join me!"
I had been waiting under the awning, admiring from afar.

"No, I couldn't—"

"Common, it's so fun!"
His laugh enticed me, but I remained under the awning.

"I want you to have fun, it's okay."

"You big lug..." He said under his breath and then came running at me. He grabbed my hand and began to drag me to the edge of the awning.
As the awning came to an end, my hand flinched under the cold rain and his grip loosened. A chill ran though me as his face turned back to look at me. Water was dripping from his dark hair that normally sticks up in the air. It now hung in front of his eyes and drooped to the sides of his head. Water droplets fell from his eyelashes with every blink.
"You coming..?" He asked playfully, tilting his head to the side. Without thinking, I began to walk forward.

For a moment, we both stood in the rain, starring at each other intently. His eyes then suddenly smiled as he swung me around and onto the grass. Laughter escaped his lips as we spun around in circles, stumbling and splashing in the rain.
All I could do in that moment, was admire.


After we were done in the rain, we both ran through the halls. We were each holding our shoes in one hand in hopes of not tracking mud in the castle. With my free hand, I held his. We tried our best to remain quiet and suppress our giggles while hiding from all of the servants in the hallways. A trail of water followed us until we finally made it back to the princes quarters. Before entering though, I stopped by one of the cleaning closets to pick up a couple of towels.
Once we entered the princes room and closed the door, a wave of relief washed over both of us. I handed him a towel and we both tried to dry ourselves off.

"Haha! That was so much fun. Thank you for letting me go."

"Well I didn't really have a choice, you ran out of the room without asking." I said in an annoyed tone. "But...I did have fun."

"See! I told you. Now, I should go take a warm bath and you should too. I'd hate for either of us to get sick."

"Understood." I responded.

"Lets meet back in my room in an hour, sound good?"

"Yes, I'll see you then your highness."
As I closed the door behind me, I couldn't help but think of the alone time I'll finally get to have.

A full hour to myself.....I should be happy...

I felt a weird emotion fill my chest.

So why do I want turn around...?

The Prince's Compass♡~Killugon/Gonkillu Fanfic~♡Where stories live. Discover now