"I really can't" I shrug

"And why is that " he raises his eyebrow intrigued

"I have people on my tail that won't exactly like the fact that I'm hanging out with another male" I shrug

"Is that so , why don't we test the waters and see "

"No sir I can't" I say trying to close the door but his not making it easy for me as his blocking the door 

"You can't or you just won't" he says stepping inside the hotel room

"Fuuuuck ,ekse(dude) can you just leave me alone" I say rolling my eyes

"Let me take you out and then I'll lea-" ring ring ring

"Yes" he says speaking into the phone his smirk falls and he stares at me

"Oh so she's yours, I see" he grins again, dropping the call he stares at me

"You know some very important people , don't you" looking at him confused he runs his hand in his hair

"That was Mark and he said that if I even lay one finger on you he'll kill me " shocked I look at him

"Yep but I rather take my chances" he hands me his number

"I'll pick you up at 7pm if I'm late call me " before I could even respond he left closing my room door . I have had it up to here with these men. I have made no new friends but I sure as hell met a lot of men.

Placing my suitcase on my bed I look through it and I hate to admit it but mystery man was right, I have no fancy attire. Heading out my room door on my way to the streets of Las Vegas to find an outfit. Exiting the entrance door I turn left ,seeing different stores but none catch my eye. Walking down the same street, a dress catches my eyesight and I swear I could cry right now . Stepping inside the store a lady comes forward

"Welcome Miss , how can I help you " she smiles sweetly

"The dress in red uhm it's beautiful do you have it in my size" I say pointing at the dress by the window

"We sure do miss and it is the last one in stock" heading to the back she comes back with the dress

"The fitting rooms are right this way " thanking her I head towards the fitting room. I change ,stepping out the curtain to look at the mirror I scream

"What the fuck , oh hey " my smile instantly dropping into a hard frown

" 'Hey' are you freaking serious is that the best you can say" he seethes out


"Don't fucking say a word" he takes out a cigar to smoke it

"Oh uhm sir no smoking in the store" the store assistant says

"Like I give a fuck step away from me right now " he says drawing out his gun , the lady and I freeze . He ushers her to go away with his gun and she hurriedly leaves . He continues staring at me harshly , blowing clouds of smoke

"You know Zuri , the least you could of done is wait for me to come back"

"Amir I- "

"Like fuck just a couple of fucking hours you had to wait and now what your buying a beautiful dress that sure as hell is hugging all of your curves for what a date with Sebastian"

"How do you know mystery man"

"How do I know about mystery man" he scoffs

"His my client" he says relighting his cigar

6 daysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora