Chapter Sixteen.

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Luca had some business to deal with outside of New York so he had asked Bea to go meet a woman who he was planning on working with.

Bea had made her way across New York to meet with this woman. She arrived at a beautiful building, it was tall and blended in well with the other buildings around it. When Bea had finally made her way to the right floor she waiting in the waiting room before a woman escorted her to a office.

" Mrs. Changretta, Miss Allen." The secretary said as they walked into the room.

The woman thanked her assistant as she made her way away from the large windows in her office.

Miss Ruth Allen, was the daughter of a big New York man who had recently died, leaving his business to his daughter. Ruth was a beautiful woman, who had short brunette hair and walked with pride.

" Mrs. Changretta. Glad I could make your aquintance." Ruth said as the women greeted eachother.

" Im glad I could suffice, as Luca is unavailable." Bea said as the two women went to sit down at the desk.

" Well, to be truthful, I would much rather speak with you then you're husband. As I hear you are more interesting, Mrs. Changretta." The New Yorker smiled.

" And what is it that makes me more interesting then my husband?"

" The fact you married your brother's killer."

Bea smiled.

" Well, I believe the better question, is why my husband wanted to marry his father's and brother's, killer's sister."

" Ah yes. Your brother's are these Peaky Blinders, people find fascinating."

" They are quite." Bea said as she looked around the room.

" See i've done some research. Mrs. Changretta. And your background is quite peculiar. You are half gypsy, is what they call it. Also your brother's steal for a living, and you speak three languages. And i'm told that your father was killed in an alley in Boston, I heard he deserved it."

" Technically I speak 5 languages. 6 if you count the french my brothers partially taught me. And yes, my father was shot and killed here, and he did deserve it. But I also have done my research Miss Allen. My sources tell me that when you were merely 16 you got pregnant by one of your father's men. That man was shot and that baby was aborted."

"I also heard you dress well Miss Allen. But now I see... not so well as me." Bea said as she looked over the woman.

The other woman paused for a mere moment before opening a drawer in her desk harshly and taking out a file and throwing it infront of them.

" Tell your husband that he is now in my territory."

" Luca will be pleased." Bea said as she stood up and picked the file up.

" Miss Allen." Bea said as she placed her hand out.

The other woman stood up grabbing the others hand.

" Pleasure is all mine." Miss Allen smiled.

Bea had then left with the details of a building Luca had bought from Ruth Allen.

From there Bea had gone to Luca's office. She walked in as he was pouring himself a drink, after a long day.

" Hello Amor."

" Ciao, bello." Bea said as she walked up to her husband and kissed his cheek before passing him and placing the file on his desk.

" So I see your meeting with Miss Allen was a success. Was she as viscous as they say?" Luca asked as he began to look through the file.

" I will say she should find better sources. Or perhaps I am just too imperturbable."

" You? Imperturbable." Luca laughed.

" Then she is is easily irritable." Bea smiled as she stood up.

" What is this building for anyways? Dont you have enough clubs."

" This is not going to be a club."

" Well then what will it be?" Bea asked as she walked over to the drink stand in his office.

" I was thinking a boutique."

" You, Opening up a boitique?" Bea laughed.

" Not me. You!" Luca told her.

" What?" Bea asked as she put her glass down.

" I thought you should have your own business. I mean, it doesn't have to be a boutique." Luca rambled.

Bea squealed and ran over to him and placed her arms around his torso.

" You bought me a building." Bea smiled up at him.

" I bought you a building." Luca smiled.

" I love you, Luca Changretta."

" I love you." Luca said before leaning down and kissing her.

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