Chapter Six.

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The next week felt like a blur to Bea. One second she was getting married the next on her way to America.

She's never even been to America. All she knew about America was they had a great selection of lipsticks, from when Tommy had visited a couple of years ago and brought her and Polly back lipsticks.

And of course Micheal was already there, she had phoned him not long after he got there and he told her how different it was.

The next two weeks on the way to America were horrible for her. Luca had gotten her own room, as he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and understood she needed time."

She would of loved the whole experience as she's never left England but the thought of what her life was going to be like as soon as the boat had stopped in New York made her head pound.

There were times when she stood against the railings of the boat looking out to the water wondering what happened if she just slipped over the railing.

But it all went away when she stood on the deck of the boat and looked up to see the statue of liberty.

As Beatrice was in awh she didn't realise the presence beside her.

" That's the Statue Of Liberty. She's beautiful huh?" Luca asked here.

" Gorgeous." Bea replied eyes not leaving the statue.

" She was given to the Americans from the French to celebrate their alliance during the American revolution." Luca turned to look at her.

" Maybe sharing beautiful things to celebrate allegiance, is a good thing."

Bea turned to look at him for a second, she searched his eyes for a lie. She didn't know how to react to what he said so she simply turned back to the statue.

Not long after where they off of the boat and into a car, which ofcourse was a driver who worked for Luca.

" É bello riaverti, Signor Changretta." The drive said as he opened the door for Luca.

" É bello essere tornati." Luca replied before getting into the car.

" Does everyone one who works for you speak Italian?" Beatrice asked as they both sat in the car.

Luca was surprised she had asked him a question as the past two weeks she only ever spoke to him once a day or so. And he didn't want to push her so he distanced himself to give her time to, adjust.

Marriage or Vendetta?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin