"We should get away. We have plenty of accrued vacation time."

"I don't want to use it now, if I can help it. I'm saving it for your birthday."

Rafael was touched. "That's not necessary, Liv." He watched as she took a forkful of the meal.

"And it;s not necessary for me to go on vacation right now." She took another forkful of food. She put the fork down, and spoke. "I'm fine, Rafa." She sighed. "I know you're worried about me."

"I am." He confirmed, honestly.

"Rafa, you don't have to worry about me. I'm exhausted, but fine." She took another bite of food. "This is delicious."

"I'm glad you like it. You know, I know you." He said after a pause. "When you say you're fine, you're not fine."

"I'm OK., Rafa, really. How was your day?"

"Busy, Carmen was out sick. It made things a little difficult."

"I'll bet. Can I do anything for you?"

"Talk to me,Olivia. You have been quiet all week, withdrawn. Have you been eating or sleeping?" Rafael finished his piece of Arroz Imperial, while he listened to her speak.

"I've had some trouble sleeping, and I'm eating this." Olivia answered, honestly, taking another small bite."

Rafael was instantly in a panic. "Is this your first real meal all week?"

"That depends on your definition of a meal. I had some yogurts, some eggs, some nutrition bars, and I had a sandwich at my desk yesterday. "

"How much sleep?"

"I don't know, Rafa. 4 to 5 hours a night, this week."

"That's not enough. You're on the streets of New York protecting people. It's dangerous."

"That's my job. it;'s dangerous."

"Especially if you have no energy. You've been distracted since last Friday. night. Something is bothering you. Olivia, Por favor, talk to me."

"You wanted alone time, to do what Rafa? I know you love me, but are you with me just to keep an eye on me?"

"No, Olivia, no, absolutely not."

"You don't want me." She said, her voice cracking.

Rafael got up. rushed to her chair, and keeled in front of her. "Olivia. I want you so badly it's physically and mentally painful. You have no idea how much I want you. I won't be like your other relationships. You're not ready, you were attacked again. I know it's frustrating, but I think you're bringing it up at this moment because you don't want to talk about Friday night, which proves my point that you're not ready."

"You don't think it's strange that we sometimes sleep in the same bed, and we don't have sex, we've never had sex?"

"Strange, but not wrong, and we will have sex I love you,Olivia.. I'll be right back." Rafael disappeared into his bedroom. Moments later he left the bedroom, and placed a bag by the front door. He walked into his kitchen space, and packed up some leftovers. Olivia was still sitting in her chair, now looking straight ahead. He walked to her, and stood in front of her. "Come on, you're not staying here tonight."He watched as Olivia's face became almost fearful.His heart dropped for her. You'll sleep better knowing that Noah, and I are there in your apartment. Let's go."


On the ride back to her apartment, Olivia thanked Rafael, but was otherwise silent, Rafael was even more worried than before. When Olivia opened the door, she was greeted by Lucy.

"I thought I was sleeping over." The young woman said.

"You still can, if you want to, Lucy."

"No, I can study at home." Lucy replied, picking up her backpack.

"Good to see you with Liv, Mr. Barba. You look happy." She said on her way out the door. That was an hour ago.

Now, Rafael was waiting for Olivia on the couch. She had gone to check on Noah, 30 minutes ago He was about to check on her when she exited the boy's room, and closed the door. She walked to Rafael, and sat down next to him. "Thank-you", she said, closing her eyes. "I would have stayed by you, but I feel like I don't want to let him out of my sight." Olivia admitted.

"I know. I know you."Rafael answered..

"Can I get you something? I have your scotch."

"I know. No, thanks." She turned to face him. "Then what can I do for you?"

"You know what."

"I need some wine."

"You might want it, but you don't need it, Olivia."

"Whenever you call me, Olivia, I know you're serious. You want to talk about last
Friday night. Rafa, it doesn't matter. I have a life. I have Noah, I have you."

"Olivia, my angel. mi Vida. You can tell me anything. I won't judge, and you won't lose me."

"It's nothing, Rafa. It doesn't matter."

"If it's nothing, then why is it so hard to talk about?" Olivia rose from her seat, and walked to her bedroom, within 5 minutes, she was back. "I love you, Rafael." She stood in front of him, holding a yellow Manila envelope.She shifted from one foot to the other.

"I love you too." He said loudly. "Olivia, I love you."

At those words, Olivia took a step forward. She leaned forward, met his green eyes, waited a second, and then handed him the Manila envelope.

Letting Love In       Barson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now