XXXI - Fist Of White

Start from the beginning

As the lesson went on, many questions were asked, some very valid and others just stupid. And when the lesson ended, many students left the room looking pretty satisfied with their newfound knowledge on humanity's biggest threat. As I had said before starting the lesson completely, I stayed back in the room for an extra five minutes in case anyone had needed me for anything.

"You never told us how much you knew." Eren said as he waited behind with Armin and Mikasa. I raise an eyebrow at him, a slightly irritated smile on my face.

"She has, Eren. She has multiple times." Mikasa deadpanned. He looked at her in realization, mouthing a silent 'oh' as he glared at the floor. I chuckled.

"I did tell you a lot about the titans, I was helping you study for future reference." I remind. "Funny thing is it was your idea."

"My memory hasn't been the same since the Fall." Eren says rubbing his eyes.

"Come to think of it, you're right." Armin pipes up. "There's been a few incidents where you've forgotten even the most basic things. It's getting better though I think."

"Really? What if I suddenly forget how to kill a titan midair?" Eren asks thoughtfully. I laugh as I walk out of the room, the trio following after me through the corridors of the small building provided for the new trainees.

"I doubt that'll happen." I reply.

"If it does I'll protect you." Mikasa says seriously.

"But rest assured, you won't forget a crucial detail in a life as disastrous as ours." Armin says with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Scram you little rats." I laugh dismissing them and watching them walk ahead, waving at me before disappearing for lunch.

I walked out of the building, just catching the rest of the cadets walking into their dining area before heading to the stables. Academics was my only class today so I was free to go back to Headquarters. Considering I'm not the biggest children fan, being surrounded by a bunch of twelve to fourteen year olds isn't all too bad.

"L/N." I hear an unnecessarily angry toned voice sound from behind me. I turn to face Shadis, who stood with authority in front of me. His hands held behind his back and his posture tall and confident.

"Commander. How can I help you? Did I do something wrong?" I ask, giving a brief salute.

"No, not at all. I came to tell you your knowledge on titan anatomy well exceeds my expectations. Tomorrow I will have you on hand to hand combat training. I know you use a stance that's different from military standards but can I ask you use the military stance?" He asks, his voice at its most sincere harshness I've ever heard.

"Not a problem. See you tomorrow, Commander." I say saluting quickly and walking away to the stables where I had kept Sin housed.


"How was your first class?" Raquel asked, her, Ida, Jay, Hayden and Felix sat around the table looking at me, waiting patiently for me to utter an answer.

"Like every other class?" I reply reluctantly, suddenly feeling very small to all the looming figures that surrounded me. Prying eyes searching my face for anything that revealed the excitement I hadn't mentioned.

"That it?" Jay asked suddenly breaking the silence, Hayden rewarding him with a brisk slap across the back of his head.

"Yeah, well it's just like we learnt in the training corps all those years ago. It's not that interesting." I say shrinking back in my seat.

"I figured it'd be interesting with the trio in there. Eren is a ball of chaos, isn't he?" Felix asked.

"Fortunately he's actually wanting to learnt about titan anatomy and to be honest, I'm thankful. A few of them do seem a little... we'll say unique." I say with a small chuckle.

𝔇𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 (𝔏𝔢𝔳𝔦 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now