Chapter 6: Roles to Fill

Start from the beginning

"Kinda. This is an ancient Narvadin seacraft," she inspects the etchings closer. "'Lunsaety.' N'Fel for 'Firefly.' Pretty common name for Narvadin ships, since it's in Tus'Felnis culture that fireflies are seen as symbols of luck and guidance. Both are important to have when navigating the seas," she snickers and steps back to look around the whole room.

"Somethin' tells me they could've used a little more luck."

Malachi slowly nods, also examining the carvings. "This thing must've crashed here before the barriers went up, then. Don't see any other way this could've got here."

Edith stands beside him, curiously glancing between him and the markings in the wooden trim of the ancient vessel. "How long ago was that?"

Malachi shrugs and laughs softly. "Dame, I'm old but not that old. The Dev'al Ordon might've had some tomes on this stuff, but I've never seen 'em," he says with a grin towards her.

Biting her lip, Edith chuckles and narrows her eyes up at him.

"You don't look that old to me," she winks.

Malachi tilts his head and returns the coy look with his own.

"Is that so?"

Colin stands behind them, glancing between the two with a look of bewilderment.

"Are you two seriously flirting?"

Edith just starts laughing while Malachi shrugs and turns back to face him with a smirk.

"What can I say, I'm a silver fox," he winks at Edith and she feigns swooning. "Looks like I'm the ladies' man now. Sorry to steal your thunder, Colin," he teases.

Colin sighs and shakes his head. "That's not all you're stealing..." he mumbles, lightly chuckling. Edith walks over and gives him a kiss on the cheek, throwing in a warm smile to punctuate the gesture.

"So, I guess we're redecorating, huh?" Edith sighs.

Colin nods slowly. "Guess so. Hopefully it won't take too long so we can get to making a plan soon."

"Agreed. Let's help out to make it easier," she says and turns towards Cree. "Hey, metal arm, wanna help me fix up some walls to get some rooms in order?"

Cree glares at her. "I'm not cheap labor."

"Of course not!" Edith states. "We're friends. That means you're free labor. Now, c'mon. Let's get to work!" she giggles and grabs his arm, dragging him away.

Colin watches them go and calls out to her, "Doll, remember to take it easy! Come get me if you need anything!" he says with a sigh as she and Cree vanish further into the ship.

Naomi and Nisha take off to start helping as well, and Colin and Malachi go join Regan and Reela.

Reela sits on the floor with Toya and Romeow, carelessly playing with them while Regan, Colin and Malachi work on fixing up the walls of what once was the kitchen and will serve that purpose again once they're done making repairs.

Regan hurries back to the main room to do a bit of work out there, leaving Colin and Malachi alone in the unfinished kitchen.

Malachi takes advantage of the moment alone to glance at Colin with a mischievous grin while they both work on repairing the gaps in the walls.

"So... You and that dame, Edith, seem... close."

Colin accidentally hits his hand with his hammer and he mentally thanks himself for not being able to feel pain, though the dent isn't really ideal. He looks over to see the sly look on his friend's face and he clears his throat.

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