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As the whole battle went down, a car parked in the driveway at the tower. Clint got out with two Mc Donald bags and locked his car before heading inside. 

''Stiles, you better not be picking a Star Wars movie this time again.'' He mutters as he enters the elevator and headed up to the middle floor. Once he arrived he walked out and was about to shout when a girl was suddenly flung at him. 

''WOAH!!!'' Clint says ducking and the girl crashes into the elevator. He looks back at her to see her lift her head and reveal glowing blue eyes. ''What the...'' He starts but the girl got up and lunged at him, only for an object to pass by Clint and hit the girl in the chest. Electricity sparks from it and the girl falls back down with a roar.

''I would stay back if I were you.'' Clint looks behind him to see Natasha with her electric wristbands pointed at the girl. ''What is going on?'' The archer asks. ''Let's say Stiles's pack is here and they're forcing him to come back. Go help them I got this.'' Nat says.

Clint puts the bags on a table before grabbing his bow and arrows.

With the others-

Stiles ducked as Scott swung at him and telekinetically pushes him to the wall. Liam lunges at him but is grabbed by the neck by Vision and thrown across the room.

''We need to get this pack out of here before anyone gets hurt.'' Vision tells him. ''Isn't that what we've been doing for the past 30 minutes?'' Stiles pants. Suddenly they heard a scream above them and yelling. Stiles widen his eyes when he recognized that scream. Lydia is attacking Wanda.

''I have to get to Wanda.'' Stiles tells Vision. The Android nodded as Stiles broke through the ceiling, hearing a complaint from Tony about how they're destroying his home.

Wanda telekinetically sends a large cabinet at Lydia who dodges it and sends a scream wave at her, knocking her back. Lydia chuckles darkly as she walked slowly, her heels clicking on the floor.

''You know, I'd thought you put up more of a fight. But as it seems, your a pretty weak witch.'' The Banshee smiles as she stood in front of Wanda.

''I haven't even show you what I can do.'' Wanda chuckles before sending a red psionic blast at her, sending her flying across the hallway. Lydia grunts before getting back up. ''Why you-'' She stops when a glowing purple blade appears in front of her neck.

''I suggest you stop and tell my why the hell do you guys want me back?'' Stiles says dangerously, pressing the blade at her throat. Lydia gulped with wide eyes.


With the others, 

Steve punches Derek in the chest before sending a kick at his stomach. Derek knocks back before growling and lunging with his claws. Steve ducks and grabs the werewolf before throwing him over the kitchen table.

Allison prepares to shoot an arrow at Steve's back until an arrow knocked away her bow, making her gasp and turn to see Clint with his bow pointing at her. 

''Not so fast, young one.'' He smiled at her and she glares at him.

Iron Man held Scott up in the air, Vision had Liam and Kira upside down in the air, Nat walks in, holding Malia's hands behind her back with one hand while the other held a gun at the were-coyote's head and Steve pinned Derek's head on the table. 

Erica, Isaac and Boyd stood defensive, waiting for the others to make a move on them.

''Alright, little puppies, I don't know why your here for Stiles, but your visit is over-stayed. I kindly ask you to leave.'' Tony says.

''We aren't leaving until Stiles comes with us.'' Derek snaps and Steve holds his grip tighter on him.


Everyone's heads turn to Stiles's voice as he, Wanda and Lydia walk into the room, the latter still being held by Stiles. 

''I have questions and I'd like some answers.'' Stiles says with a smile.


''Why are you here?'' Stiles asks as he sat in an interrogation room. Across the table sat Scott and Derek. Clint and Steve were in the other rooms interrogating the pack. 

''We told you, we're here to bring you home.'' Scott says, looking at his cuffs that were laced with wolfsbane. Stiles squints his eyes at him. ''I am home.'' He whispers. ''Beacon Hills is where you grew up.'' Derek says, narrowed eyes glaring at him.

''True, but you all helped me realize it was not my home after you kicked me out.'' Stiles says. The two werewolves wince at the reminder. ''But that still doesn't answer my question. Why do you need me back? Is it because I have powers? Is that what you came here for? My Power?'' Stiles asks.

''I just want my best friend back. And we will get him back when we get rid of that witch.'' Scott says. Stiles tilts his head. ''Wanda?'' He questions. ''She's controlling you. She's making you turn against us. The others as well.'' Derek answers. Stiles looked at him with a 'are u serious' look before busting out laughing. The two stared at him confusingly.

After he laughed, he stared at them with amusement in his eyes. ''You think she's controlling me? Oh, Derek, you've gone even more dumber than I last saw you.'' He says and Derek growls. ''She's not controlling me. I am my own person. You caused this. I am like this because of you.'' Stiles says, glaring.

''Stiles, I-'' Scott starts. ''YOU KICKED ME OUT, SCOTT!!!'' Stiles slammed his hands on the table as he stood up, eyes turning purple. ''You did this to me! I hate the pack, because of you two! I am a new person, like it or not. You are not taking me back. And you will not lay a hand on Wanda nor my family ever again.'' Stiles says as he takes a step back. ''I want you gone by tomorrow. If you even come looking for me again, I will come after you and you'll wish you never crossed me.'' He says as he walks out and slams the door behind him, leaving the quiet werewolves sitting alone.

''You still believe he's being controlled?'' Scott asks Derek, who is glaring hard at the table as if it were the one responsible for everything. ''I do. Stiles is never one to be angry. The Witch must have done something to him.'' Derek says angrily. Scott sighs in disappointment.

Stiles releases a sigh from his mouth as he leaned against the door. ''Tough talk?'' Wanda asks as she and Nat watched the two through the hidden glass wall. ''You have no idea.'' Stiles says. 

You're Just Like Me? (Sequel to I'm an Avenger)Where stories live. Discover now