Pack of Idiots

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''I can't believe Stiles treated us like nothing.'' Scott mutters as he sat next to Kira, who held a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. The Pack were resting in a house Derek rented near the Stark's tower. ''Well that doesn't matter. What matters is that whatever is causing Stiles to be like this must be that Witch. If she could control Liam's movements who knows what she did to his mind.'' Derek says.

''Still mad about that.'' Liam says walking past them.

''I don't know why you are all acting like this.'' Erica says standing up suddenly. ''You two kicked him out in the first place and now you want him back? We're basically the traitors here.'' She says. ''Enough, Erica!'' Derek snaps, eyes glowing blue, making Erica sit back down. Boyd wraps an arm around the she-wolf's waist as he growled lowly at Derek.

''She kinda has a point, though.'' Kira says weakly. ''That sounds a bit rude don't ya think?'' She asks. ''Yeah. Him being rude, that's what I think.'' Malia says.

''What matters is that Stiles is with that witch and we need to get rid of her.'' Lydia says as she sat looking out the window with a glare. Allison glanced at her from the side. Ever since Stiles left, Lydia had realized she missed a real man and broke up with Jackson, leaving the jock to spend the rest of his life screwing other girls. She became guilty and promised to get with Stiles no matter what it takes. And that promise made Allison shiver with nervousness. 

''So what's the plan, Scott? We make a move, or we stand aside letting your bestfriend throw you away like trash?'' Derek says, standing in front of Scott. Scott looked down for a few seconds before looking back up with bright glowing red eyes. ''We get rid of the witch and take our Stiles back.''


Stiles sat in the couch at Stark's Tower in the living room, watching 'Ghostbusters' and eating popcorn. ''What's got you stress eating?'' Nat says as she appeared from the entrance, taking a cup of milk and sitting next to Stiles.

''Nothing.'' Stiles mutters. Nat raises an eyebrow at him and he sighs. ''Ok, so there is something wrong.'' He sits up, facing his Aunt. ''What is it?'' Nat takes a sip from her cup. ''The Pack is here.'' Stiles says and Nat spits out the liquid onto Stiles face, making him jump and starts groaning in disgust. ''Aw man.'' 

''Sorry.'' Nat says. '''Why are they here?'' She asks, voice hardening. She was angry when she had heard this so called pack of werewolves kicked her nephew out she had wanted to strangle them and skin them alive if she ever saw them. Maybe she has now the right timing.

''Nat.'' Stiles warns, hearing her thoughts. ''What?'' Nat asks innocently. ''I just think we should knock 'em up a bit. Enough to send them away back to their dens.'' 

''Don't lie, need I remind you I can hear your thoughts.'' Stiles taps his head. Nat rolls her eyes. ''You can't say you don't agree with me. You know you want them out of Manhattan.'' She says. ''That's true. Those Pack of Idiots don't need me and I don't need them.'' Stiles nods his head slowly.

At that moment, Vision suddenly phased through the tv, making both Stiles and Nat scream. ''Vis! Door next time!'' Nat says. ''I am sorry to interrupt this moment, but I have urgent news. There appears to be nine forms of life sneaking into the building.'' Vision says.

''What the-'' Stiles starts but suddenly, Two figures broke through the windows to the living room and there was Liam and Malia. The three heroes stood in defensive stance, Nat bringing out her hidden knives and Stiles forming his psionic dual swords.

''We're here for Stiles.'' Liam says in his wolf form. ''I'm afraid your not getting anywhere near him.'' Nat steps forward with her knives at the ready. 

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