Taking the Cradle Pt 2

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Psi struggled as he tried to slice Ultron but the robot kept dodging and blasting him. He was kicked back and Ultron gripped both his and Cap's throats and held them into the air. 

Nat came from beside the truck and threw Cap's shield to him. Cap grabs it and knocks Ultron away from him, Stiles doing the same with his psionic sword. Ultron falls and looks to Nat before using his metal/earth levitation hand in front of Nat. Nat stops just in time before colliding with it.

Nat resumes the pursuit and heads at the truck. Two Drones start blasting at her from the inside of the truck where the Cradle is. She dodges them and starts heading up a staircase. 

With Stiles and Steve, the two fought off Ultron. Steve gets blasted onto another car, leaving Stiles with the tall robot. Stiles chuckles nervously before dodging a punch from the robot. He creates his two psionic daggers and strikes at him. 

Stiles slashed across Ultron's chest before kicking him back. Ultron staggers back from the kick and Cap suddenly appears behind him. He bashes his shield into Ultron's back, sending him flying back to Stiles. Stiles tackled him and pinned him on the roof of the truck. He continued to stab his daggers in the robot's chest before Ultron blasted him in the air. 

''Clint, can you draw out the guards?'' Nat asks as she pursued after them. ''Let's find out.'' The archer replies as flew in front of Ultron, blasting at him with the turret. Ultron glares at him and the two drones finally flew out towards Clint. He then led the two off into the sky, leaving the Cradle open for the taking. 

In a store nearby, Pietro and Wanda watch the TV showing Ultron fighting Psi and Captain America. Wanda gasps as she saw Stiles was blasted. ''We have to help them.'' She looks to Pietro. He hesitated before sighing and nodding. He speeds them out of there, leaving many shocked people. 

With Stiles and Steve~

Stiles blasts Ultron into a large pole with a violet psionic blast. The Robot flies back only for Cap to tackle him into a train. ''Cap!'' Stiles shouts as he looked at the train. 

The Two Drones that were chasing Clint now flew back, trying to protect the Cradle. ''Heading Back towards you. So whatever you're gonna do, do it now.'' Clint reports to them. 

Steve blocks a blast but falls to the floor. Stiles comes in and makes a shield before Ultron can lash at Cap. 

''I'm going in. Cap, Psi, can you keep him occupied?'' Nat asks as she heads after the truck.

''What do you think we're doing?'' Both Stiles and Steve question at the same time. 

Nat leaps off of her motorcycle into the truck. She looks at the Cradle and sees the body, looking at it in confusion. The two Drones fly under the truck and start to hold onto both sides as the truck neared a group of police cars and officers with guns raised. 

Nat tries to hack into the Cradle but fails. The two drones put more effort into their flying and the truck lifts up into the sky before it could crash into the police. Nat stumbles but holds on as the crate lifts higher in the sky away. 

Clint, not knowing Nat is in the truck, speaks up. ''The package is airborne. I have a clean shot.'' Nat immediately protests. ''Negative. I'm still in the truck.'' Clint furrows his eyebrows in confusion. ''What the hell are you doing...?'' 

''Just be ready. I'm sending the package to you.'' Nat says. ''How do you want me to take it?'' Clint asks. ''Uhh, you might wish you hadn't asked that.'' The assassin says as she cuts the ropes off the Cradle. 

Ultron continues to blast his beams at the struggling Stiles, who was sweating under the intense heat and his shield started to break. Just as Cap was about to throw his shield, a blur passed by and knocked Ultron back. Stiles widens his eyes as he sees Pietro. 

Ultron looks confused and suddenly, pieces of the train that were now surrounded in red mist blocked him. Stiles looks behind the Droid and smiles when he sees Wanda. Ultron looks behind him and sees her too, eyes now filled with betrayal. 

''Please. Don't do this.'' He pleads to them. ''What choice do we have?'' Wanda asks, eyes with anger. Ultron blasts at Pietro but he dodges. The Droid then flew out. Stiles looks to Wanda, seeing her looking at him. ''Hey there. We never really officially met. I'm Stiles Stilinski.'' He smiles at her. Wanda looks at him, thinking it was a nice name, but couldn't help what blurted out of her mouth. ''What the hell is a Stiles?''

Stiles smile turned into an offended one (I don't even know if that's even possible). ''Me, of course.'' Wanda blushed and Pietro stands in front of her, arms crossed and eyes staring at him dangerously. Stiles turns away with a snicker. 

Steve runs to the driver and sees she's dead. He then notices the end of the tracks coming into view. ''We lost him! He's headed your way!'' He reports to Nat and Clint. 

''Nat, we gotta go.'' Clint says to Nat. The assassin finally cut the last rope and placed a bomb onto the truck before sliding out. She made it into the quinjet but not before Ultron grabbed her foot and she was taken. ''Nat!!!'' Clint shouts. 

''Cap, Stiles, you see Nat?!'' Clint asks them. ''If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!'' Steve replies, ignoring Clint's question. Stiles turns to him with an alarmed look. ''Nat?! Where is she?!'' He asks. ''Do you have eyes on Nat?!'' Clint asks Steve. 

''Go!'' Steve orders and Clint sighs frustratingly before flying back to Stark Tower. 

''Steve? What about Nat?'' Stiles asks. ''We'll have to wait about that, Stiles.'' Steve says before turning to Pietro. ''Civilians in our path.'' He says and Pietro gets the memo before running away. Steve turns to Wanda. ''Can you help Stiles stop this train?'' He asks her. She looks to Stiles and nods. 

Stiles and Wanda stood side by side and kneel to the ground, using their powers to stop the train. They're eyes turned purple and red and unconsciously, their hands gripped each other. The train soon slowed down to a stop and Pietro had cleared the way. The two telepaths open they're eyes and look around before they're eyes fell on their intertwined hands.

They looked back up at each other and immediately feel some kind of connection. They started like that for a moment before Pietro separated the two (while glaring at Stiles) and the four got out of the train. 

''Alright. I need to take a minute.'' Pietro says as he stood next to Wanda. ''I'm very tempted not to give you one.'' Steve says, walking over to them. ''The Cradle, did you get it?'' Wanda asks Cap. ''Stark will take care of it.'' Steve says. 

Wanda and Pietro's eyes immediately looked shocked and angry. ''No, he won't.'' Wanda says. ''You don't know what your talking about. Stark's not crazy.'' Steve says strictly to her. ''He will do anything to make things right.'' Wanda continues and Stiles looks confused before realization dawned on his face. 

''Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?'' Steve asks through comms. ''Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?'' Wanda asks and Steve and Stiles look at each other worriedly. 

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