Battle of Sokovia Pt 3

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As the S.H.I.E.L.D. lifeboats got people to safety, Pietro and Wanda looked in awe.

''So this is shield?'' Pietro asks Stiles. ''Yup. And that ain't all of it.'' Stiles smirked. 

''All right, guys, move out.'' Steve orders and the group parted ways. 

''I got it. Create a heat seal. I can...I can supercharge the spire from below.'' Tony says through comms. ''Running numbers. A heat seal could work with enough power.'' FRIDAY says. ''Thor, I got a plan.'' Tony says. 

''We're out of time. They're coming for the core.'' Thor informs, smashing a bot away. ''Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board.'' Tony orders Rhodey, who is in his war machine suit. ''On it.'' Rhodey blasts off to help the lifeboats.

''Avengers, time to work for a living.'' Tony says and Stiles, Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Nat and Clint ran off towards the church, mostly leaving Clint and Nat behind as Stiles and Wanda flew, Pietro dashes off and Steve uses his enhanced speed to run.

''Ugh, I hate it when we get left behind.'' Clint mutters and Nat chuckles before they went into a truck and drove. 

Stiles and Wanda land in the middle of the church where Thor and Vision were fighting off robots. Them and Tony joined the fray and destroyed the drones. 

''Agent Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini.'' Tony says. 

''Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly nor run at high speed.'' Nat says as she and Clint crash into the church. ''What's the drill?''

Tony points to the vibranium core. ''This is the drill. If Ultron gets his hands on the core, we lose.'' He states. 

Hulk then joins and Stiles smiles wide at him. ''Hulk, My fellow chaos partner in crime. Welcome back.'' Stiles holds his hand for a high five and Hulk smiles almost psychotically as he high fives Stiles small hand.

Ultron suddenly appears, hovering in the air watching them. 

''Is that the best you can do?!'' Thor shouts at the drone. Ultron gives him an unimpressed stare before holding his arm up and more drones suddenly started coming. 

''You had to ask.'' Stiles says, voice dripping with sarcasm. 

''This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?'' Ultron asks.

''Well, like the old man said, together.'' Tony says. The Drones charged at them and everything was chaos.

Everyone defended the core and destroyed more and more drones. Stiles swear everything was slow motion and it was like in a movie. Him and Wanda telekinetically ripped each drone apart and stood back to back.

Ultron then charged at Vision but the android intercepted him. Ultron threw Vision into a wall but before he could charge at him, Vision blasted him back with his yellow beam coming from the mind stone in his head and Ultron was blasted out of the church. Tony, Thor and Stiles followed.

As Ultron started blocking Vision's beam, Thor and Tony joined in, Lightning and Light Beams attacking Ultron. Stiles eyes glowed purple and he fired a purple beam towards Ultron's chest. He started to melt when all four avengers stopped.

He stood up and stared at them, obviously weakened. ''You know, with the benefit of hindsight-'' He starts but is interrupted by getting knocked away by Hulk.

(That was funny tbh)


Anyways FINALLY!!!! Man, it feels good to update again and so sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll be posting more of the others soon.

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