Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's just Nana," she smiles. "Don't let her bother you."

"It's just...she hasn't broken eye contact the entire time I've been fucking you. And, what really disturbs me, is neither have I."

The young woman laughs. "Just carry on."

Sig looks at Nana, who's still staring him out, shrugs his shoulders and resumes pounding doggy-style. After a short time, he grunts and stops.

"What's wrong?" the young woman asks.

"...Nana just stuck her finger up my arsehole."


"...Why did you tell me that story? Indigo asks.

"I had to tell somebody. Part of me thinks it was pretty fucked up—"

"Oh, it's definitely that."

"I don't know how I get myself into these situations."

"You actively search for the situations and then get into them."

"...Oh yeah. Thanks, Indigo." Sig puts his arm affectionately around Indigo. "You're like my shaman-cum-psychologist. And, trust me, I would know – I once saw a shaman cum on a psychologist. We'll talk later. I need to get some of the more fucked-up confessions off my chest." Sig wanders off happily and Indigo takes a sip of his water, staring off into the distance.

"...I feel my suffering has only just begun."

Intercepting Katisse as he's returning with the drinks, Sig carries them over as if he's just queued for ages to get them. The Elven female smiles and rubs his cheek warmly as he hands hers over. "Oh, thank you! Are you the perfect guy or what? I bet you're a really tender lover too."

Sig snorts into his pint. "You wish! I'm actually a total fuck-tyrant!"


It's late at night, and Indulkar and Squad walk through the quiet corridors of Tyria's parliament, its endless corridors like mirrors framed in darkness, the echoes a continual composite whisper of movement.

"Is Salazar the only one who could want you dead?" Squad asks.

Indulkar smiles, the effect reaching his eyes, and Squad sees why people will follow him through anything, drowning doubts in those wise depths. "I've made many enemies over the years, but Salazar remains the most dangerous. He is the Emperor of Night and the leader of 42 million of my compatriots but, as Prime Minister of Tyria and his grandson, I am a threat to his rule."

"Yeah, but you've been a threat for thirty thousand years. Why now?"

Stopping suddenly, Indulkar turns to the spectre.

"Perhaps he has something planned."


The border patrol officer runs a hand through his thick hair, which curls like the fur of a black goat, and checks the manifest again. He's worked on the docks of Tyria City for two thousand years, so he knows the job by now, but he's still surprised by this mysterious ship from the Far East which has just docked, seemingly without a crew. A massive metal box, like a cage without bars, dominates the centre of the ship. He summoned security officials straight away and is waiting for them.

A voice touches his spine with a wash of coldness.

"I see you've found my cargo, officer."

The officer turns and sees Gelson Musk, leader of the mega conglomerate Paradigm Research, emerging from the quilting dark wearing an equally dark suit. He's clearly been waiting for this ship and walks straight past the officer, resting a hand on the cold metal container as if he's patting the nose of an animal. The container is several times larger than a man and much wider; several elephants could fit inside comfortably.

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