32. Business Calls

Start from the beginning

Christian wanted to curse at this guy so badly. What was his problem? Christian loved baseball.

His grandpa said "I think I am involving Christian enough in my business right now. He is very young. He needs to do what he enjoys at school like any other teenager. I will not forbid him from doing any activities in school that he enjoys and does not pose a risk to his health. At the moment he is involved enough in the business and I am satisfied with what he does."

Christian nodded enthusiastically "Grandpa. You are right like always." He then went back to reading his comic book as he continued listening to rest of his grandpa's conversation that took a different direction suddenly. Maybe Sedric sensed that there was no point pushing an idea to his boss that he did not approve of.

Soon after, the car arrived at the party. Christian followed his grandfather outside the car and he made his way alongside his grandfather through the hotel car park to the entrance. There was so much security around. The hotel was a nice one. No wonder his grandpa had warned him not to wonder off without permission. The nice new building shouted to him to come and explore me wordlessly.

As grandfather and grandson entered the building they were directed to the cloak room where they left their coats. Then they were directed to the reception hall where the adults were having cheese and wine while socialising walking around and standing in groups. After this session dinner was going to be served in the private dining hall of the hotel. Christian was meant to go to another hall to have snacks and drinks with the children of these crime families while his grandfather stayed in the adult section.

After everything was explained by the hotel manager at the entrance of the reception party hall, Christian asked "Grandpa. Should I go now?"

Christopher Kavannagh took a drink from a tray offered to him and said "Have a good time Christian. See you at dinner time."

Christian said "See you later grandpa." He then made his way to the children section. He of course was not followed by any guards. This was no ordinary party. The security at the place was pretty good. His grandpa's men had surrounded the hotel though just like men who worked for other crime families who attended this event.

Once Christian was inside he had a look around at the groups of boys and girls who surrounded the place standing, eating and drinking. He walked around the room trying to choose who he wanted to socialise with first. But of course, others saw him first. Before he knew it, he found himself face to face by a group of three boys who he had not seen in a long time. They were the most dominant young alpha males in this party. The first born heirs to their family's empires. Three very close friends who's families were part of a strong alliance.

Fredrick Fitzgerald, Owen O'Keefe and Oran O'Shea. They were all sixteen like Christian.

The three boys greeted Christian one by one and shook hands with him.

Fredrick said "You are no where to be found these days Christian. What is keeping you busy?"

Owen said "Fredrick has a point. You kept rejecting every single invitation any of us sent you over the summer. You owe us some social time."

Oran said "What have you got to say for yourself Christian?"

Christian said "I have been busy lately..." He was busy spending time with Gianluca in his free time. He preferred his company to anyone else. He just did.

Fredrick said "Tell someone who believes you Christian."

Owen said "Excuses Christian... Too many excuses to count."

Oran said "We are not interested to hear excuses. We want answers. Are you coming to our this weekend's trip that has been organised?"

Fredrick said "We sent you invitations two weeks ago and you said no.  But you did not mention any reasons."

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