"Damn." I saw him mutter as his eyebrows raised before he wandered over to me - as soon as Tyler quickly left my side. "Is it my birthday?" He grinned as his eyes took in my entire body - including the silky playboy ears standing over my braided hair. I couldn't hold back the smile on my face. "God, you look good."

"Says you." I grinned, my eyes shamelessly falling on his bare chest and noticing his tattooed skin. Jesus, he just gets hotter and hotter.

"You want a drink, gorgeous?" He asked, nodding his head back towards the drinks on the counter across the room - and of course my answer was yes. We wandered over to the drinks, Calum's hand sneaking onto my lower back as we did. We got our drinks and he looked up to talk to me again.
"I've been hoping to see you again." He smiled softly, and I couldn't help but notice his eyes stealing a glance at my cleavage.

"Is that so?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow and seeing him purse his lips and look away bashfully - knowing I'd caught him. "I wanted to see you too." I admitted, taking a sip of my drink and impulsively glancing at his lips; of course he noticed. I saw him lick his lips, and look at mine without shame... I knew that I wanted to kiss him again. Instead, I took a sip of my drink - a few more and maybe I'd feel a bit more confident to do something about it. "Loving the glitter, by the way."

"Oh, this?" He pouted, turning his head to pose and show off the sparkling red highlight. "I guess I was inspired. I should've asked you to come over and do it but I thought I'd give it a go myself." He grinned, making me chuckle.

"You did a good job, I'll give you that. But I'll still have to come over and help you perfect it, y'know?" I winked, seeing him bite back a smile.
Then, Michael's voice cut our conversation short as he walked through the kitchen and insisted everyone come and play drinking games. I couldn't resist - even if talking to Calum was more appealing, it also felt like more pressure... So I walked away from him, leading the way into the front room - knowing full well that he was staring at my ass. I had to admit that thought brought me some joy.

In the front room, which I hadn't been in yet that night, there was already a group of people sat around drinking and what not - including Ashton, sat on the couch with a can of coke. Awkward. I saw his eyes find me as I entered the room, then quickly look away as if he wasn't allowed to look. I simply avoided him, finding my own seat across the room beside Sameera who was already settled on a couch with Tyler. Calum, of course, settled into the chair beside me, and Michael took his place next to Ashton on the other side of the room, Blair on his other side.

We ended up playing a game of never have I ever, where we drank every time we were guilty of doing something... things like going skinny dipping, cheating on a test, stolen from a shop, been walked in on during sex - you know, the usual. Then, it was Blaire's turn, and she decided to say, "Never have I ever walked into the wrong house while drunk." ...and, along with very few others, Charlie was reluctantly taking a drink.

"You bitch." Charlie chuckled bitterly, Blaire giving a faux innocent expression in response.

"Ohhhh yeah you did do that, didn't you?" She pretended to be surprised, but I could see the smirk growing on her face - she'd clearly thought of something specific to get Charlie out, knowing she'd done exactly that sometime last year when we were in on campus accommodation. Of course, we made fun of her for that from the moment we found out - we hadn't in a awhile, though. Maybe we would've forgotten if Blaire hadn't reminded us.

"What did I do to deserve this-" Charlie scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and then cocking her head in sudden thought. "You know what, never have I ever kissed someone in this circle." She smirked knowingly, and Blaire's mouth fell open in shock... as did mine. I knew that Charlie was calling out Blaire - and Michael - with that one, but she'd unknowingly caught up a few others in her targeted test. Blaire and Michael took a reluctant drink, but so did I... and Calum... and Ashton. Oh fuck.

I looked around uncomfortably, hoping nobody had put the pieces together - but the boys noticed each other. And I'm sure they noticed my eyes awkwardly scanning over them before I looked away entirely, only to find that Sameera was staring at me with wide eyes - oh fuck.

A/N: hey guys! sorry I take so long to update this story, I'm just so focused on Long Live 👀
I have the next chapter for this written and uhhh it's... something else lol. but It'll take me a while to update bc I don't like posting if I don't have drafts leftover, so I'm gonna try to write this week.
if you've read all the way to this point, tysm and please remember to vote and comment if you enjoyed ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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