☔︎︎Chapter 28: Twenty-One ☔︎︎

Start from the beginning

"You know as well as I do that's impossible." I encourage him, "you're Rune and she's Martina and that's how it's always been and always will be, she just needs a little bit of time that's all."

"You know how you have the mind palace theory correct? That everyone has a castle of sorts that defines the inner workings of their mind?" He begins biting his nails and contemplating, "well if Martina has a mind palace then I'm standing outside in the pouring rain, I can't tell if she knows I'm outside waiting for her to let me in or if she's completely oblivious, regardless I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. Of course, I'll never give up on her but it'd be nice to know she sees me sometimes you know?"

Martina is so obviously into him, I don't know how he doesn't see it but she's incredibly guarded and it's not going to be easy for him to get through to her.

"Actions speak louder than words dear friend of mine, I think you should..." I begin pushing my pawn across the board, "simply make an advance towards her, subtle but telling enough for her to know you want something more."

"I'm not just going to proposition her on this trip!" Rune scoffs like what I'm saying is completely ludicrous. "I respect her far too much for that."

"I'm not asking you to sleep with her you idiot I'm only saying that you make it clear that you want to be more than friends, be bold, be brave and show her that you want to be a good man for her," I advise,

"You're one to talk huh?" Rune laughs lifting an eyebrow in suspicion,

"Elaborate?" I respond dryly,

"What's going on between you and Nadya huh?" He asks me and I feel something shift in my chest at the mention of her name, "I see the looks you give each other when you think no one's watching, and I spoke to her about you, she talks about you with little stars in her eyes. And as for you, you've got it bad."

"I have no clue what you're going on about." I refute clearing my throat in an attempt to keep my composure.

"Oh don't play clueless with me, have you at least kissed her yet, poor girl looks like she's dying for it." Rune comments and I shove his shoulder as he laughs,

"What our lips do in solitude is none of your concern." I assure him and he rolls his eyes in annoyance, "truly."

"Oh come on I can keep a secret. Have you even fucked anyone since-" he begins but I wave him off,

"You know I never cared for it even while I was doing that with her." I correct him, it's a lie of course, "it was just a distraction, I don't want Nadya to be another pastime for me."

"She doesn't have to be." Rune concludes, running a hand through his white-blonde hair, "the sex doesn't have to be meaningless."

"You don't understand Rune I don't think she's ever done anything like that before it's all new to her." I explain,

"So you're saying you think she's a virgin?" Rune laughs, "there's no way she is I mean-"

"She definitely is, I can tell." I assure him, "the problem is I think she's assuming all this is new to both of us."

"Ohhh." Rune laughs, "she's in for a rude awakening then."

"I'm not having relations with her." I express to him, "I want to do things right by her, I won't bed her without promising before God that I'll stand by her, she deserves better."

"Alright, I hear you." Rune laughs, "I know how seriously you take this stuff."

"My apologies if my idea of a good time isn't five different women in one night." I remind him of that night in Santorini with a smirk,

"No regrets Klaus." Rune smiles, "no regrets. Be good to Nadya though, she's...different, she isn't like us she hasn't looked death in the eye yet, her gaze is pure and innocent she doesn't yet know bloodshed, so be gentle."

"Always." I assure him holding his gaze, "be good to Martina, she deserves happiness after everything."

Just then the grandfather clock strikes midnight downstairs, I roll my eyes with annoyance and glance at the glowing crescent moon outside. Just then the door opens and the lights are turned off, Nadya walks with Sade and Martina beside her holding a giant messy chocolate fudge cake I'm assuming she managed to assemble in the past three hours.

Flour dusts her nose and hands, there are candles in the shape of the number 21 on the cake as they begin to sing that dreadful song.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Niklaus happy birthday to you.

I can feel the flush spreading from my neck, I've never had a birthday cake before. Nadya's smile is so wide and bright that I cannot help but smile back at her, her joy so contagious it makes something deep within me crackle with amusement.

She's so considerate, I adore her.

She places the cake on the bedside take in front of me, Nadya reaches forward and places a soft hand on my cheek as I lean into her touch.

"Happy 21st birthday Niklaus Vlàcov, make a wish okay?" She encourages,

I roll my eyes and my gaze catches Martina's, "just make a wish for her so we can go to bed dumbass!" She urges.

"I wish-" I begin but Nadya cups a hand over my mouth,

"You can't say it out loud you'll jinx it!" She warns me, "it has to be secret."

I shut my eyes and make a wish.

I wish to be remembered in history till the end of time.

And I blow out the candles and everyone cheers, happy birthday to me.



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Omg stop my baby is growing up. OMG HI GUYS I'm on spring break for a week so I'm hoping to get a lot of updates in this week (lucky you!) I love Nik and Rune's friendship it's everything.

I've been OBSESSED with Dawsons creek lately and I highly recommend, it's from the 1990's and the style is everything.


See ya!

- Scarlet <3

- Scarlet <3

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