Epilogue 3

106 6 5

4 years later...


I clip my badge to my shirt and take a deep breath.

"This way, Mrs Orlando."

I follow the officer into the room. He pulls out the chair for me and I take a seat.

I slowly look up at the glass in front of me.

When I see him, I feel nothing.

He smiles small.

I reach for the phone and press it to my ear.

"Adelyn." He breathes out. "I didn't believe the guard when he told me it was you! How have you been?"

I clear my throat. "I didn't come here to catch up." I state truthfully.

"Oh." Robert responds.

"Those years ago, that I did visit you... I was giving you false hope. I had never forgiven you, I was lonely and I knew you would be too." I explain honestly. "I shouldn't have done that."

Robert nods slightly. "What are you here to talk about, Adelyn?"

"I'm here to say goodbye." I say sharply.

His face softens and I try to stay strong. I place a supportive hand on my growing stomach.

Robert's eyes sparkle. "You're going to be a Mom again?"

I frown slightly at the fact he knows this is my third pregnancy.

Robert clears his throat. "Your Grandmother sent me your books. I've read both of them probably a hundred times each."

I look down.

I wonder how that made him feel... to read how he made me feel, how he made me hate myself, how I tried to kill myself because of him... how I blamed myself, because of him.

"I deserved every ounce of pain those words brought me." He adds.

I take a deep breath.

"Oh, Adelyn... I wish there is someway that you could forgive me... but it's clear there isn't."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "That's what I came here to tell you."

He eyes look up to me.

"There is one way that I can forgive you." I reason.


I nod. "But you'll have to work for it."

"I'll do anything, Adelyn." He says truthfully.

"When you get out of here, I want you to move countries." I explain. "I want you to never ever, contact myself or my family. I don't ever want you to mention my name to anyone, and I want you to start over. If you truly want me to forgive you, I want you to find a partner, whom you love. I want you to promise you will never touch a drop of alcohol again, same for drugs."


"This is my request. If you want me to forgive you, this is what you will do. If you succeed, you will know that I have forgiven you." I explain as my eyes begin to sting.

"Ok." Robert agrees. "That is exactly what I will do."

I nod my head slightly.

"I'm so sorry, Adelyn. I'm sorry it had to come to this... but I will do anything for you to forgive me... so I will move on. I will never contact you or your family, ever. You have my word."

"Ok." I nod and take a deep breath.

"Goodbye, Mrs Orlando... Ethan is a lucky guy."

"Yes, he is." I agree. "Goodbye." I say and hang the phone up.

I notice the tears that begin to puddle under his eyes. I stand up and wave slightly before the guard ushers be out.

I sign out before walking out of the correctional facility.

A small smile appears as I notice Ethan leaning on the car.

"Adelyn?" He questions as I approach him. "Is everything ok? What happened?"

I take a deep breath. "He agreed. He's going to move on, never contact me."

Ethan nods. "But, how do you feel? Are you ok?"

"I feel like the first time since I was twelve, I can finally breath again." I admit as I take in the fresh air.

Ethan's concern washes away and is replaced with a smile.

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