Chapter 12

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Ethan and I meant everything to each other at one point in time.
It was hard but I had moved on. I had started to build a life for myself.
That was before I saw him again.
Now I can't help but wonder if it was a sign.
Maybe God brought Ethan back to me because he's my soulmate. I know I sound like a hung up teenage girl but anyone would think this way if they truly knew mine and Ethan's story.
Ethan kept me alive when I was giving up, without him I wouldn't be here today. I owe him.
But at the same time, he owes me. Part of him wouldn't be the way he is today without me.

"I'm so beyond pissed." Isabelle says bursting into my room.

I quickly shut my journal. "What's wrong?" I ask as she paces around the front of my room.

"Ethan." Isabelle breathes out. "He's blowing me off, again! I think he's cheating on me." She whispers the last part.

"Isabelle, there's no way he's cheating on you." I say putting my journal into my desk drawer.

"I told him I loved him a few days ago." Isabelle bursts out.


I raise my eyebrows slightly shocked. "Oh." I respond.

"What? Is that bad?" She gasps.

"Well, what did he say?" I ask.

"He said he wasn't ready to say it back. I felt like such a idiot. He's such a jerk!" She curses.

I stand up and walk over to her. "Just calm down." I say and push her to sit on my bed.

"Have you seen him since?" I ask.

"No! We've texted but he won't return my calls and he won't meet up with me." Isabelle says putting her head in her hands. "It's my fault. I always do this, I try and rush things when people aren't ready."

"Izzy, it's not your fault. You can't help that you love people so easily. It's a blessing, not a curse." I breathe out.

Isabelle looks up at me. "What should I do?"

"Call him, ask if he wants to get dinner." I say.

Isabelle nods. "You're right." She pulls her phone from her back pocket.

A few seconds pass before a ringing sound fills my room. "Help me." Isabelle whispers.

I chuckle slightly.

"Hey Isabelle. Sorry, I haven't called you back. I've been swamped with school work." Ethan says calmly.

"That's ok. I was hoping you'd want to get dinner sometime this week?" She asks hopeful.

"What day?" Ethan asks.

"Um, tomorrow." Isabelle says. "We should go on a double date!"

Ethan chuckles slightly. "With who?"

"Adelyn." Isabelle says.

Shocked I suddenly begin to cough.

"Uh, are you sure?" Ethan asks.

I shake my head. "I'm busy." I mutter.

"Yep. Bring a friend for Adelyn. See you tomorrow!" Isabelle rushes before hanging up. "You're welcome, I just got you some free dic-"

"Isabelle." I groan as she walks out of my room.


This has been the worst day of my life. Ok- definitely exaggerating.

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