Chapter 13

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4 years ago

I use to think it would never come to this. I use to tell myself I'd find away. I use to tell myself that someone would help me... that someone would realise that I wasn't ok.

The large knife shakes in my tight grip.

He hurt me in every way possible. I hate everything about myself. I don't want to me alive anymore. It would be so much easier if I was just gone. I wouldn't have to deal with him.

"Just do it!" I yell to myself.

No one would ever find me here. It's the perfect place. All my worst memories are here... I should die here too.

I swallow the lump in my throat. I look around the dark cement basement. The walls were stained and nothing but a few boxes were around.

"It's ok, it's ok." I begin to calm myself so I calm down.

I can't live this life anymore. I tried and fought for so long... but I have to be done. I'm so exhausted. I can't be here anymore.

I take one deep breath and lift the large knife to my leg. I brace myself for the amount of pain I may feel for the next hour or so.

I slowly lower the knife.

"Adelyn! Stop!"

I quickly turn my head. "What are you doing here?" I exclaim dropping the knife to behind my back.

Ethan rushes down the stairs and over to me. "No!" I cry. No one was suppose to find me until it was too late.

He quickly grabs the knife from behind me, throwing it to the other side of the room. "I don't want to be here anymore, Ethan! He took everything from me!" I continue to sob.

Leaning down he places a hand on my chin. I flinch as his cold hand touches me.

"You can't let him win, Adelyn. He robbed you of so much. I know you've fought for a long time- you can't give up yet. You have to start from the beginning. You have to rebuild yourself- your life." Ethan says softly searching my eyes.

I nod slightly. "It's too much."

"I can help you. I want to help you."

Back to present day

I quickly sit up in my bed. My breathing slowly returns to its normal pace.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead. I take a deep breath and slowly lay back down, hoping to get at least a few more hours of sleep.


"We've been completely ignoring each other."

Carol sighs. "You know I hate ignoring."

"Oh trust me, it's for the best."

Carol raises an eyebrow. "So you two have not spoken a word to each other since that night in your room?"

"Not once." I say honestly.

"And Isabelle doesn't find this the least bit suspicious?" Carol asks.

"She hasn't mentioned it." I shrug.

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