Chapter 2

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I wake up to my neighbours garage door opening. I open my eyes and look around.

The sun's up, already?

I guess I fell asleep. I walk towards my bathroom. As I walk in I have to stop myself, my hair is all knotted in a big poof while my face is red and puffy from dry tears, my makeup in smudged every where. I shake it off stripping myself from my 'club outfit' and jumping straight into the shower.

I take my time in the shower letting the warm water hit my body. I wash my hair, shave my body, wash my face, everything I could possibly think of.

After spending basically an hour in the shower I finally find the courage to face my problems again. I turn off the water and wrap a towel around me. I do my full skincare routine as I dry off.

I walk from my bathroom into my room and open my closet. I decide on a cute blue maxi skirt with a flower print and a white crop shirt, that stops just below my belly button. I choose a matching set of white underwear and lace bra, not that I have anyone to impress. Sometimes I just like to dress for myself, I'm sure all women would say the same.

I get dressed and decide to blow dry and straighten my hair. I put some product in it. Then I have to search the apartment for my phone. Thankfully I find it in my purse by the sofa.

Grabbing my phone, I press on my Mom's contact. With my phone in hand and on speaker I walk back to my bathroom. It takes almost eight rings before she finally answers.

I plug in my flat iron and start straightening my hair.

"Hi Adelyn." She answers cheery.

"Hey Mom." I half smile. "What are you doing?"

"I'm at the grocery store. Trying to pick what to have for dinner." She says.

"Are you still doing family dinner?" I ask hopeful. I could really do with a distraction and family dinner would be just that.

"Well, we're having dinner with Nate and Lily but it won't be family dinner, since you won't be there." She says getting technical. Mom always says stuff like that so I don't feel left out living a few hours away.

"If it's not too late, I'd like to undo my cancellation to dinner." I smile knowing how happy she'll be.

"Really?" She exclaims. "Because if this is another one of your pranks I'm going to be really pissed."

I chuckle. "It's not Mom. I promise."

"Don't tell me you're driving back to LA tonight, for class tomorrow? Oh Adelyn, I can't let you do that. It's too late and too long of a drive! I know you've done it a few times now, but I get so anxious every time!" She exclaims.

"Mom, calm down." I laugh as I turn off my flat iron. "I'll stay overnight and just watch my lecture online."

"Oh okay. Great!" She says happily.

I laugh. "I'll leave my apartment in like thirty minutes, so i'll get there in like..." I think while checking the time on my phone. 11:56 am, the time reads.

"Between two-thirty to three." I say.

"Great! Text me before you leave, drive safe please!" She pleads.

"I will."

"See you in a few hours." Mom says. "I love you!"

"You too, bye."


I hang up the phone. I grab my mascara from my counter and apply it. I brush out my eyebrows and pack a few essentials into my toiletry bag.

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