Chapter 17

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I open the hotel closet. There has to be a blanket in here somewhere.

On the top shelf I spot, what looks to be, a nice warm blanket. I get it down and unfold it. I lay it over top of Adelyn, who fell asleep on the sofa. 

As I lay it down over top of her I can't help but acknowledge her beauty.

She's such a different woman that who she was in high school and yet- she's still exactly the same.

It's as if her fragile and codependent sides shrunk, and her strong and independent parts flourished.

When I realise what I'm doing I feel guilty and decide it's time for me to go. I turn off the lights as I make my way out of her room. I make sure the door closes tight behind me.

I sigh as I realise it's time to leave.

A voice is cleared from behind me. I quickly turn around.

"Oh, Mrs Daniels. I was just uh-." When I can't decide on a lie, I sigh in defeat.

Margret Daniels, Adelyn's Mom, is sitting outside a hotel door on the floor.

"You don't have to lie to me, Ethan." Margret says.

"Nothing happened. We talked and she fell asleep. That's all!" I say honestly.

Margret nods, she smiles slightly. "Do you want to sit?" She asks.

I take in her appearance. She looks tired and- sad?

"Yeah, ok." I agree and sit across from her. I lean against the wall.

"Is Adelyn ok?" Margret asks.

She shifts clearly uncomfortable. Mrs Daniels and I haven't had a real proper conversation in years- and it didn't end well last time. "Not really." I say honestly. "She's okay, but she's not doing very well. I thought you should know."

Margret's face softens. She looks over at me and I look away.

"I'm sorry, Ethan."

I look over at her confused.

"I misjudged you all those years ago. Your Dad was right. I got caught up in my own life, I let Adelyn drift away from me and I didn't take any notice she was hurt. I live every single day with that regret. No matter who I talk to- no matter how many days pass by- I can't go one night without having a nightmare. I will never ever forgive myself." Margret swallows the lump in her throat. "Without you and your Dad- who knows how much longer that could have gone on. Who knows if Adelyn would still even- be here."

"Mrs Daniels." I say softly. "You can't blame yourself."

Margret nods slightly wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know I shouldn't, but I do."

"How come you don't talk about this to Adelyn?" I ask.

"After we left the hospital she said she never wanted it to be brought up again, so I obeyed." She shrugs. "I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did. I know you and Adelyn think you were slick- but I knew."

I raise my eyebrows. "Knew what?" I question.

Margret chuckles slightly. "Ethan, a mother knows when her daughter is madly in love with someone."

I smile when the words leave her mouth.

"Without you, Adelyn would have had a very rocky recovery." Margret says. "Encase she never thanked you-"

"Don't thank me." I say quickly. "I helped Adelyn- but she helped me. When my Mom died- I was broken. She was there for me. Thats how she helped me."

"Does Isabelle know?" She asks changing the subject.

"She does now."

Margret nods. "So, You and Adelyn- you're done... forever?"

I clear my throat. "I'm with Isabelle now."

"Ok." Margret nods. She stands up from her position on the ground.

I follow her lead and stand up as well. "You'll keep an eye on her. Right?"

I nod. "Always."


"What are you doing today?" I ask Isabelle as she walks out of the bathroom.

She grabs her purse from the nightstand. "I'm going to organise some things for Adelyn's birthday."

"Oh, ok." I reply with a nod.

Knowing Isabelle she'll be planning some elaborate club and make a big deal for Adelyn's birthday, even though Adelyn would be happy with dinner and a few drinks.

"Are you going to go see your sister today?" Isabelle asks grabbing her phone.

I push the blankets off of me. "I think I'll go soon."

Isabelle nods. "Let me know what you're doing later today and maybe we can meet back up?" She smiles.

"Ok." I agree with a smile.

She walks over to me planting a kiss on my lips before she rushes out the door. I take my time having a shower and getting dressed. I comb through my wet hair and just as I finish putting on my shoes there's a knock at the door.

I walk over to the door and open it.

"Adelyn, hey." I say.

Adelyn stands in front of me wearing a pair of jean shorts and a cropped harley davidson shirt. Her hair is curled and she carries her purse on her shoulder.

"Hi, is Isabelle here?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No, she's out- exploring."

Adelyn frowns. "Oh, ok."

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"I was just coming to ask if she wanted to get breakfast." Adelyn says. "I'll see you later though." She begins to walk away.

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