Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The hand that clutched at the pillow rose and touched his cheek, spreading across. Ziyad turned and kissed the palm. "Nothing. The day was rather exhausting."

"And I did not help. I was more concerned about you."

"I know. How badly did I goof up?"

"You looked at ease with my mother."

"Because she made it so easy. Your mother is..."

"Amazing," he smiled. "I know, and we need to talk."

"We do?" she asked, wariness entering her eyes that he detested, and shifted under him.

"Stay there." Easing away had her sitting up, bedding falling away, revealing the lace and satin negligee. She had planned to stay here, out of the way. Sliding off the bed, he circled the bed, this time laying on the bed, down at her side on top of the covers.

Relief washed over her face and she laid back into the mountain of pillows, facing him. Placing an arm under his head, he reached out, claiming a hand, and brought up to kiss, watching her through hooded eyes.

"Mother thinks you are adorable. You did not hear that from me. She would deny it." Heather wiggled in closer as he held her hand against his beating heart, where she spread her hand, fingers flexing.

"She does, or is it you're just saying that to make me feel better? I know I crossed the line, and declined your mother, but I thought it was the only way I could show Jasmine what she meant to me in such a short time. Her collection blew your mother away."

"Jasmine has not shown her designs to anyone."

"Yet you organised one for me."

"She sent me a collection of sketches, choose one, and organised someone to make it with her selection of materials.  Normally, she makes the dresses and even had a seamstress when needed. There wasn't time to sort it out. After the fittings, I sent your measurements to Jasmine, when I asked her to make you a set of clothes."

"Out of your own money. I nearly blew it."


"None of them know what you do outside of the palace, do they? Your siblings," he shook his head. Sadness filled her eyes, filling his heart that she was so concerned about him.

He had never met anyone like her before.

"That makes you sad. Why?"

"Because what you do and how good you are, like your sister, shouldn't be hidden away like some dark, scandalous secret. Even if I hadn't known who you were, I couldn't fault your acting skills. Do you think you could have your films brought in so I can watch them? especially Winslow. I love him."

His brows rose. "I remember a lot of flinching, covering of eyes, and a sigh of relief when it ended."

"Now I know what to expect," she smiled up at him, his heart swelling filling his chest cavity, wanting to bust free.

"Does that include..."

Her eyes widened. "Nope. Never, my stomach can't handle that. And the fact saying I was pregnant," she gasped.

"I was trying to save your dignity. Would that be so bad, my love?"

She shifted closer, melting against him. "Under the right circumstances, not bad at all," she purred. Releasing her hand, he wrapped her in his arm, where she buried herself into his chest.

"Let's get married first, which brings up what I need to talk about." She didn't pull back, staying where she was.

"I'm listening."

Movie Star Prince - Completed.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα