Chapter Fifteen

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Heather's heart sank.

She should have left it behind, shouldn't touch anything of his without his permission, gulping. "I left a note on the fridge. Sorry I saw the folder for you that needed looking over, so brought it back. Your trailer's unlocked. Your PA had left it for you. I was only trying to be helpful..." she finished lamely, closing her eyes.

Something she won't be doing again, she vowed, never to touch his belongings, unless told by him. Not sure what to say, she had blown it big time. Saleem sat up straighter, where she opened her eyes at his movement and eyed him closely as he stood, leaving the room.

Automatically, she reached for her phone and stared down at it. She couldn't keep running to her brother or Sasha, seeing him as her safeguard here. Apart from Saleem, she trusted Sasha. He would never betray Saleem, she had seen that. Nope, not dragging him into her messed up world, like she had Saleem.

It had been her fault for interfering, peering up, phone clutched tightly in her hand, chest tightening as he exited his bedroom carrying the folder, flicking through his phone, then speaking in low tones. Not good. He was always open in front of her unless speaking in Arabic, pressing her phone against a tight chest. What had she done?

Saleem glanced across as he said her name. She had caused him nothing but trouble. Those old feelings of panic threatened to overwhelm her. However, couldn't lock herself away in school, in her old room, hiding even from family and friends. Dale had always protected her and he wasn't here.

Grabbing her belongings, Heather headed towards her room, closed the door quietly, and went around tidying up things that didn't need to be done. Had she imagined that her belongings had moved around? Her mind playing games again as before, stuck in Queensland, nowhere to go, staring at the door.

What was she thinking? She was safe in Melbourne. Now exposed, jumping suddenly as the door opened. "Heather-girl, I have to go. There was mixed up. These weren't for me." He waved the folder at her. Fighting against the raising fear, she nodded. His frown returned. "This isn't your fault, Heather. I did not see your note. I won't be too long."

"Okay. I'm so sorry, I messed up," she reached out with a pleading hand. He closed the distance, gathering her into his arms.

"I know you were only trying to help."

"I won't touch anything of yours again," she vowed, squeezing her eyes tightly.

"I hope that's not true," he teased, rubbing her back. "Touch as much as you like," she moaned. "However, perhaps not concerning my work." Her hold tightened around him. He was so forgiving when she made such a mess of everything, asking him how could he. "Because you are trying to have my back, make things easier. I appreciate that, and it wasn't your fault my PA left the wrong papers behind. If you had looked inside..."

She jerked back, wide-eyed. "I would never invade your privacy," she protested loudly.

"Exactly. Going by the note on top, I would have done the same for you. I just wanted to get back to my girl."

Melting against him, she felt better, only to pull back at a sharp rapping on the door. Saleem looked behind him, hands now on her arms, caressing as he glanced back at her. "That would be my very impatient PA."

"Shouldn't she be working for you?" She wiggled her nose, finding her manner rude.

"Believe me, my love, she does, but she made the mistake and it's her arse on the line."

"I guess so," she allowed, nose twitching that he noticed.

"What is it?"

Stepping back, she clutched at her arms. "Nothing, go before she kicks in the door."

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